Bus driver has a very nasty attitude
The loudspeaker woman announcing every intersection on every route drives me nuts. And I do mean loudspeaker. She is driving the drivers nuts, too. Whoever thought this up obviously does not ride the bus. It is a case of total overthinking. KEEP IT SIMPLE LIKE IT USED TO BE. These constant announcements are a dreaded situation on the part of a whole lot of riders.
I must admit that they do need to have Sunday service. For people who don't like working on Sundays, this is the place to work. Like so many other local transit companies around the country upper management make decisions for people who ride everyday. They don't even ride on the service that they make decisions on.
They are never able to help you the hours that thier helpline is open sucks . They dont run on Sunday I hate Cobb county transit like I hate thier police