First Lady is hosting a rib tip dinner fundraiser! Get your pre-orders in now!
Call (262) 997.7938 or email for more info!
Like, follow, share and visit Livinginhighdefinition to see what First Lady Marie is upto. 😉
Ladies, it's that time again! The Women's Conference is just around the corner. Get your tickets before they're gone. See the flyer for more details. Feel free to call Zoë's Church Office or comment below for more information.
Today’s message was brought to us by First Lady Marie Hargrove: We have been here too long.
After today’s message you may want to ask yourself a few questions: 1. Are you on the path God has for you? 2. Have you been complacent for too long? 3. Are you heading in the right direction?
Deuteronomy 1:6-8
It's time for a celebration! Zoë Outreach Ministries is celebrating 20 years on March 23. Check out the flyer for more details.
Tickets are on sale for one more week. Call the church office or message us on facebook for tickets and more information!
We hope to see you tonight at 6pm for Bible Study! We will be continuing the topic of homosexuality.
See you soon!
Best Wishes for a Blessed 2019 from Pastor Melvin and Lady Marie Hargrove!
Join us this Sunday, December 16th at 10am and 330pm for worship as we celebrate our 20th anniversary this Zoë Day!
Happy Sunday! God Bless!
Giving Thanks in Worship and Praise!!!
Meet us for a joint fellowship sponsored by Christ Community Community Church, United Faith Baptist Church and Zoe Outreach Ministries on Thanksgiving Day from 9-10 am.
Host Church: Zoe Outreach Ministries 2130 Racine Street, Racine WI
Praying that we will see you there!
Zoe’s Worship service on Sunday, October 14th will begin at 9:00 am. We will fellowship with Pastor Richmond and the New Omega church family at 10:30 am for their Founder’s Day Anniversary. Hope to see you there!Zoe’s Worship service on Sunday, October 14th will begin at 9:00 am. We will fellowship with Pastor Richmond and the New Omega church family at 10:30 am for their Founder’s Day Anniversary. Hope to see you there!
Spiritual Warfare The most dangerous battles you will face in life are ones you can't see. Winning Spiritual battles require spiritual weapons. As you prepare for your week, be sure to equip yourself daily with the whole armour of God. #theenemyisdefeated #greaterishethatiswithinme
More photos from yesterday’s Harvesting Relationships event! We had some beautiful tables.
Which was your favorite?
A beautiful turn out for 2018 Harvesting Relationships. Thank you to all of the table hosts, guests and our special guests from HALO for making this an enjoyable event!
Praise God 🙏🏾
Congratulations Pastor Hargrove for your upcoming award - Racine Branch NAACP Theodore Harris Award.