It’s all about the patient for ZipLine Medical. Whether it’s a visit to the emergency room for a laceration, a Cesarean-section birth or a total knee replacement, ZipLine Medical focuses on making recovery a positive experience. We reduce complications, speed recovery, maximize comfort and minimize scarring. These patient-focused benefits trickle down to drive lower healthcare costs and greater surgical efficiencies, creating a win-win in today’s cost-sensitive healthcare market.
Staples and sutures are based on a centuries’ old concept of piercing the skin to close it, creating additional time and pain, as well as new pathways for bacteria. ZipLine Medical’s marquee product – Zip Surgical Skin Closure – is based on innovating this antiquated method with non-invasive skin closure.
Because skin closure is a part of most open surgeries, ZipLine Medical’s products are applicable across a variety of surgical specialties, including orthopedics, electrophysiology, cardiothoracic surgery, OB-GYN, plastic and reconstructive surgery, and emergency medicine, among others.
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