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XinKids is located at Miami, Florida, United States. Visit their website www.xinkids.com or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

XINKIDS.COM (FEB 2020)100% US HISPANICYouTube a once incredible innovation has now become a predatory player keeping over 90% of revenues generated.This is appalling considering that most "platform-type marketplaces" keep typically a much smaller share of the revenues as an ENABLING FEE and provide the rest back to the people WHO DO THE ACTUAL CREATIVE WORK.We are creating a new video platform that can provide kids content creators with an alternative to Youtube and which can PAY MULTIPLES OF WHAT YOUTUBE PAYS. It is called XINKIDS.

Tags : #OnlineMedia

Location :
Miami, Florida
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Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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