Senior Pastor Kem Gaskin
Sunday Morning Service with Pastor Eddie Barragan Songs Ministered: My King by W.h.c.o Music Spirit Break Out by Jesus Culture Yeshua/My Beloved by CIA.Salt
A week of ministering the Word of God to the hurting with Elder Desirie Can. The love of God overflowing restoring hearts! A Beautiful country with wonderful people hungry for God's presence!
Wednesday Night Service With Pastor Eddie Barragan Songs Ministered Love that I long for -WHCO Music Deliverer -Brian Waddle Wrap Me In Your Arms -William McDowell
🔥🔥🔥Wednesday Service in Brazil with Elder Desirie Can at Igreja Batista do Calabria with Pastor Carlos A. R. Cunha🔥🔥🔥
Bring your youth to this event! #agenerationmarkedbyHeaven
Sunday Morning Service with Prophet Alex Nungaray Songs Ministered: Glorious by Jesus Culture It was finished by Bethel Music Who is the King
WHCO BRAZIL Sunday Service
WHCO Brazil youth meeting worship! The power and presence of God was so unreal and overwhelming!
WHCO Brazil! Amazing anointed powerful worship with these youth!
Elder Desirie Can preaching the Word of God at WHCO Brazil.
Video 2 from WHCO Brazil youth meeting! Powerful!
A beautiful start to an incredible powerful youth meeting! God working in these young hearts powerfully!
WHCO Brazil! Powerful time in prayer for the youth!
Pictures of Wednesday night service with Apostles Kem N Dara Gaskin
Songs Ministered Lifted High by Eddie James Holy Visitation by Rita Springer Night and Day by Chris Burns
Mother's Day Sunday Service. A beautiful time honoring the women in our church and those that have laid down their lives for the Kingdom of God! The most perfect powerful Word for the occasion given to us by Pastor Yadira Barragan!
Join us tomorrow for a powerful Mother’s Day service ! #momsrock #sheisbeautiful #shewent