
Tags : #PlaceOfWorship, #PointOfInterest, #Establishment

Location :
4200 Glendale Rd, Pottersville, NY 12860, USA


8 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    17 January 2018

    Can’t say enough great things about this place. Great Bible college & amazing place for a family vacation to relax. It is jewel in the Woods.

  • Anynomous
    25 September 2017

    Great place to go no matter the field or career you plan to pursue.

  • Anynomous
    22 July 2017

    Biggest mistake of my life was going to wolbi the teachers didn't care about the students.im glad my sister changed her mind and didn't go it is very FAKE you are judged left and right for every little thing the stuff is stuck up and thank they know the will of God for your life. This school is for kids that were homeschooled or went to private school if you grow up in public school like I did wolbi is not for you they only care don't care about you don't buy in to there brainwashing crap do your self a favor DON'T GO

  • Anynomous
    02 March 2017

    It was a wonderful, solid foundation in my life. Made many friends with students, staff and faculty that have continued throughout my life.

  • Anynomous
    31 March 2016

    I'm a student now, and going through a fantastic year of solid biblical teaching! The students and staff provide friendships I've not commonly found elsewhere! Definitely worth the year and $15,000!

  • Anynomous
    22 September 2015

    Word of Life should be ashamed at the living conditions at their NY campus. At a recent visit we were floored by the so-called dorms that you expect these young people to live in for 1-2 years. They look more like barracks for a work camp. You cram them in those rooms like sardines. The buildings are old, filthy, and mold infested. Clearly, the all mighty dollar is more important then the safety, health, and welfare of your students. Just in one year you probably rec'd over 6 million dollars in tuition money just from this campus alone. Instead of building a new home for the founder's family, buying more land, or erecting a new recreational hall--why not actually improve the living conditions for the young minds you are about to train to be teachers of God's word.

  • Anynomous
    03 September 2015

    After spending two years here as a student, it's hard to put into words how great of a place it is! The teachers are amazing, the student atmosphere is unlike any other college's, and the friends you make here are for life! So thankful for two extremely fruitful and humbling years to study the Bible here! :)

  • Anynomous
    08 February 2013

    Word of Life Bible Institute is truly a great place to start! If you understand the necessity of learning HOW to live, there is no better college to attend. My experience with the school, and especially the members of the Student Life Department, has proven to me over and over again that they don't just want to cram Bible facts into your head for the sake of passing exams, but rather challenge you to TRUST that God through His Word describes the best way to live. And, they do a great job at helping you take the Word and understand how to practically live it out in every day life, no matter the circumstances, and no matter how hard it may be. Above all, God is feared at this place!