The gal at the weigh station was so sweet & helpful! Super quick & easy process. Free dump day, once a month for residents is a nice perk!
We moved here a few months ago and have had lots of yard debris to clean up. I wish you had separate carts for yard debris. People who take care of their yards have to decide on what they can put in their carts, trash or yard waste. It would be helpful to have the yard waste cart on the opposite days of recycling. At least through the fall months.
Service is great, automated system sucks. It took me 10 months just to figure out how to change the billing information on my account from my spouse's name to my name. I kept going around in circles and even the FAQ didn't tell me that I had to close my account and open one in my name. It was frustrating because I couldn't find a service rep to help me out until finally I just guessed that I should try opening a new account. I finally found a number there for assistance to call. I also find it frustrating that I have to enter the invoice number to pay my bill. It would be so much easier if I could just go in with my ID and my password and not have to look up my account number and the invoice number and all that stuff. This is the only service that I have to do all this work on and it's time consuming and frustrating. Can't you guys make this a little bit easier on your customers?
Very inconsistent pickup.
Pickup was missed 3 of the last 7 or 8 weeks.
This is the only consistency with Waste Management. You consistently wonder if your trash will actually be picked up.This is not
a rare occurrence. This has been a problem for the last 8 years! It will get better for a while, but then back to this.
They are really great at billing you though!
I have be a WM customer since 2003 and I am completely satisfied with it's service. It is reliable and consistent with its pick ups. If pick ups are affected due to weather or other reasons, it promptly notifies us by email. It also schedules pick ups for other things like big screen TVs. I can't say enough positive things about WM.