
Swatch, launched in 1983 by Nicolas G. Hayek, is a leading Swiss watch maker and one of the world's most popular brands

Location :
185 Greenwich St (btwn Fulton St & Cortlandt St), New York, NY 10007


Time Zone: America/New_York
Credit Cards: Yes


2 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    11 August 2023

    Spettacolare centro multifunzione a ridosso del World Trade Center. Architettura avveniristica, una spettacolare struttura in ventro e acciaio, marmi ovunque, una scenografica e lucidissima scalinata

  • Anynomous
    26 May 2023

    The new World Trade Center with boutiques and specialty stores, plus convenience retail and malls brimming with global brands. Stores are located within the WTC Transportation Hub.