
Over 50 years ago, on stage during a performance of West Side Story, a real-life love story between "Tony and Maria" sparked a life of harmonizing together that led to a family, a farm, and a successful real estate business. Fast forward to today, and it's no surprise that teamwork comes naturally to Jeff and Evelyn Weller, the husband-and-wife duo known as the Weller Team. This cohesive team has been in business as a multi-million-dollar Realtor® team for the last 22 years. They are happily at home at HomeSmart Professionals Real Estate, where exceptional support energizes the Team to help, protect and serve their clients. This duo prides itself on putting clients first… always! Jeff and Evelyn deliver heart-and-soul dedication and the help needed for clients to make informed decisions when buying or selling a home. They listen attentively, provide guidance, keep a sharp eye on details, and are fearless in the face of any obstacles that may arise. They are committed to protecting their clients' interests above all as they work toward positive outcomes. So many of their clients have become friends for life and Jeff and Evelyn feel privileged to make a living by helping people in the throes of making important life transitions. Each exchange of the keys sparks a sense of joy that fuels Jeff and Evelyn on to guide the next client "home". While dedicated daily to the needs of their clients, the Wellers are also committed to being a positive force in their community. Every summer on their farm, they grow and sell 10,000 sunflowers in memory of their daughter, Krista. Their non-profit, Kiki's Garden, The Krista Weller Burns Foundation provides scholarships to budding artist, camperships to kids and support to community organizations that work to help kids thrive and bloom. In 2019 Jeff & Evelyn received the Realtor Hero Award from the Kent/Washington Association of Realtors for their service to the community.

Tags : #RealEstate

Location :
100 Quaker Ln, Warwick, Rhode Island 02886-0112

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