Edward'sTemple COGIC is a church, located at 1107 S 21st St, Tacoma, Washington 98405. [read more]
youth church for students 6th-12th grade. meet wednesday nights at 7pm @ stillwater church. a place for hypocrites in transition, wanderers and more. . [read more]
EMERGE (Saturday) Road Trip - First Saturday @ 7pm at a local restaurant EMERGE N. O. W. (Night Of Worship) - 3rd Saturday @ 7pm ARISE (Sunday) Prayer plus Coffee &.. [read more]
Learning to live God's way. . [read more]
Finding grace in the search for understanding. . . there is a place for you at St. Paul’s. Visit http://www. stpucc. org/ to learn more. . [read more]
defendiendo la sana dotrina. [read more]
Todos son bienvenidos "Yo soy el camino, y la verdad, y la vida; nadie viene al Padre, sino por mi. " Juan 14:6 Servicios: Martes y Jueves- 6:00pm Domingo- 10:00am y.. [read more]
Courage Church is a vibrant community of faith right in the heart of Detroit. . [read more]
Iglesia Apostoles Y Profetas Efesios 2:20 esta localizada en Arlington, Virginia y es Pastoriada por el Pastor Virgilio Sanchez. [read more]
iglesiaapostolesyprofetas - East Boston, MA. nada mejor que estar en cristo 93 chelsea st 02128 pastor :Jeremias rosa. [read more]
Fraternity for Eternity 2 Timothy 2:15 National website http://www. ago. org/ Chapter Website http://csulb. ago. org/. [read more]
Wherever you are in your spiritual life, we invite you to be part of our community. . [read more]
Verge Church: Join us on this journey at 1845 Grant Ave in Jonesboro, Sundays at 10:30am. [read more]
Celebraciones todos los Domingos a las 10:00 a. m. en el 5300 S. Maplewood Ave Chicago. LE ESPERAMOS. [read more]
Vision, Valor y Practica para vivir en Paz y Santidad. ESTAMOS ENTRE LA: CEDAR AVE S. Y LA 41st E. . [read more]
Nuestra Misión es llevar la palabra de Dios hasta el último rincón del globo terráqueo. [read more]
Somos una iglesia Biblica, que busca ante todo glorificar a Dios a través de nuestras vidas, siguiendo la verdad bíblica en el perfecto Amor de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. [read more]
Temple Of Deliverance LCM is a place of second chances, restoration, healing, deliverance and empowerment where broken lives and families are restored. [read more]
100 Grafton Ave Newark NJ Apostle Vivian Carr Pastor Gale Squire Co-Pastors Patricia & Alan Casamayor "A place where everything divine happens on purpose. [read more]
Full Life Deliverance Ministries Inc. 100 Sylvania Ave Pittsburgh, PA. 15210. [read more]
Tabernaculo Cristino Misionero de Salem is a church, located at 1231 Locust Ave, Long Beach, California 90813. They can be contacted via phone at +15626242367 for more detailed information. [read more]
Palisades Presbyterian Church is a part of the Presbyterian Church (U. S. A. ) and a member of the San Diego Presbytery. As a congregation, we are deeply committed to community worship,.. [read more]
We are an Orthodox Church of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America; we were founded by faithful Christians in 1948; we are the Light of Christ in Lexington, Kentucky; and we are called to.. [read more]
We are so excited that you have taken this next step to Live for Jesus, Love People, and Serve with Purpose. . [read more]
Pastor René Corona "Y llamo Jacob el nombre de aquel lugar, Peniel; porque dijo: Vi a Dios cara a cara, y fue librada mi alma. "- Génesis 32:30. [read more]
Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:. [read more]
We are a church located in Washington, IA. Sunday morning church services start at 10:15. Wide variety of Sunday school classes available starting at 9:15. [read more]
One of the most loving caring places you can be. They are my brothers, sisters, aunts, and uncles! I love them all so very much! I am so blessed by them. [read more]
We desire to build a culture of worship and prayer that the name of the Lord would be made great in New England and the nations of the earth!. [read more]
Un lugar donde se predica el Evangelio de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Servicios: Domingos 11:00 a. m. viernes 7:00 p. m. Lunes 6:30 p. m servicio de mujeres. [read more]
V4 Youth Ministry exists to impact the lives of Jr High and Sr High Students with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Come join us on Weds. evenings from 7pm-9pm!. [read more]
Visitors welcome. Christians gather here to study the Bible, Book of Mormon, other scriptures and help each other. . [read more]
Christian Science can help you see and feel the peace of God's all-powerful loving presence NOW. . [read more]
Dad's House is a new church in Yakima, WA. Our mission is that everyone would experience everything Father intended when Jesus said, "Come follow Me. ". [read more]
Need housing? Check out the Seattle LDS Housing FB page https://www. facebook. com/groups/SeattleLDSHousing/ Blog: http://ldsinstituteseattle. blogspot. [read more]