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Washington DC Temple is a church, located at 9900 Stoneybrook Dr, Kensington, MD 20895, USA. They can be contacted via phone at +1 301-588-0650, visit their website www.lds.org for more detailed information.

Tags : #PlaceOfWorship, #PointOfInterest, #Establishment

Location :
9900 Stoneybrook Dr, Kensington, MD 20895, USA
Added by Jopie, at 01 September 2016

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19 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    23 April 2018

    I was just 12 or 13 when i went here. But i remember it very vividly. The temple itself is beautiful to look at, inside & out. It is family oriented. It has bathrooms too. It is a very clean,white,quiet place. There is lots of parking too.i know there is certain rules/requirements to be able to get in so be sure to call before you go. I am just telling about the place i visited and am not in any way to be related with or affiliated with the mormon religion itself.

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  • Anynomous
    12 April 2018

    This Temple is incredible and the people at the visitors center were wonderful! I must see. If nothing else drive HWY 495 West at night to get a great view!

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  • Anynomous
    09 March 2018

    Such a beautiful and uplifting place to be. The flowers in the spring are so amazing. The lights in the winter are breath taking. The spirit felt while on the grounds compares to no other. I highly recommend coming here even if it's just to go for a walk around the grounds.

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  • Anynomous
    19 February 2018

    Truly a beautiful, peaceful place. The grounds are impeccably kept and stunning year-round but especially at Christmas. December starts a full month of activities, shows, & events not to be missed. The visitor's center is open daily even thru the long renovation starting March 4, 2018 -? 2020. Please come see for yourself. Don't let detractors with misunderstood concepts be your guide. By admission if you haven't been inside a temple, then you do not know for yourself what actually happens. Movies & videos can be fiction and made by those who are seeking for revenge, shock values, clicks, likes, or views for revenue, etc. Unfortunately, this is the world we live in today, but you can find out for yourself with a visit. Come see. Take note of how you feel walking the grounds. Talk with the many friendly faces that are available to answer your questions. Jesus Christ is the Light of the world. Learn of Him and never walk in darkness again. John 8:12

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  • Anynomous
    25 January 2018

    We ended up going to the temple to see the Christmas lights. They do such a good job rapping every branch with lights. It is definitely a winter wonderland. It's very beautiful with all the different colorful lights along with a beautiful Temple. There's also a lot of things to see in the visitor center that keeps Christ in Christmas. The Visitor Center is good to visit any time of year. But especially around Christmas time. Mind you it is definitely more crowded during the Christmas season.

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  • Anynomous
    04 November 2017

    Very beautiful, there's a visitors center where you can learn all about what temples are for. FYI not a cult haha

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  • Anynomous
    14 October 2017

    My family enjoyed the temple visitor's center's interactive exhibits. The staff are helpful and friendly. You can even get a complimentary photo with the temple as a backdrop. The temple grounds are stunningly beautiful. I'm glad we stopped on our way home to Tennessee.

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  • Anynomous
    20 September 2017

    This Temple is breathtaking. It is so tall and beautiful. Next to the Temple is a visitors center. The workers their were very nice. They explained how the Temple was built and how it came about. I had a great time visiting.

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  • Anynomous
    10 September 2017

    I was raised Mormon. I have been to the visitors center at the DC temple and done baptisms for the dead in temples in Idaho and Utah. Mormon temples are separate from Mormon chapels. Chapels are for Sunday worship. Temples are for performing baptisms for the dead, endowments, sealings, etc. during the week. They encourage you to ask questions about it at their visitors centers.

    What they won't tell you about in the visitors center is that secret handshakes are a part of Mormonism and the temple. I didn't know this until after I graduated college and resigned from the church. I felt betrayed when I looked up the YouTube videos of the Mormon temple endowment.

    Not because they do anything illegal, to be clear.

    Betrayed because some of it was contradictory to what I was taught (for example, I was told that everyone wears all white in the temple. I had no idea that they wore green aprons) and horrified just because there was so much that was kept a secret.

    I don't think they should have held back so much information from a young person like me who was being taught that the temple was the most important thing in my religion. As a child, I was taught songs with lyrics like "I love to see the temple/I'm going there some day", I was taught to pay tithing to the church (paying tithing, or 10% of your income for life, is a requirement to enter the temple), and I was always taught to listen to my priesthood leaders (there are other songs like "Follow the Prophet" that still get stuck in my head), who control whether or not members receive a temple recommend and are allowed to go into the temples. It makes me feel very manipulated, like they were trying to control me, now that I know how much they weren't telling me.

    Look up the YouTube channel NewNameNoah to see videos of what happens in Mormon temples and you can see the things that they won't tell you when you visit the visitors center.

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  • Anynomous
    06 September 2017

    I was raised Mormon. I have been to the visitors center at the DC temple and done baptisms for the dead in temples in Idaho and Utah. Mormon temples are separate from Mormon chapels. Chapels are for Sunday worship. Temples are for performing baptisms for the dead, endowments, sealings, etc. during the week. They encourage you to ask questions about it at their visitors centers.

    What they won't tell you about in the visitors center is that secret handshakes are a part of Mormonism and the temple. I didn't know this until after I graduated college and resigned from the church. I felt betrayed when I looked up the YouTube videos of the Mormon temple endowment.

    Not because they do anything illegal, to be clear.

    Betrayed because some of it was contradictory to what I was taught (for example, I was told that everyone wears all white in the temple. I had no idea that they wore green aprons) and horrified just because there was so much that was kept a secret.

    I don't think they should have held back so much information from a young person like me who was being taught that the temple was the most important thing in my religion. As a child, I was taught songs with lyrics like "I love to see the temple/I'm going there some day", I was taught to pay tithing to the church (paying tithing, or 10% of your income for life, is a requirement to enter the temple), and I was always taught to listen to my priesthood leaders (there are other songs like "Follow the Prophet" that still get stuck in my head), who control whether or not members receive a temple recommend and are allowed to go into the temples. It makes me feel very manipulated, like they were trying to control me, now that I know how much they weren't telling me.

    Look up the YouTube channel NewNameNoah to see videos of what happens in Mormon temples that they won't tell you when you visit the visitors center.

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  • Anynomous
    08 August 2017

    The temple is my place called home its quite a experience very quiet away from the world and birds singing and looking happy I wish I could live next to the temple I would stay there everyday just to be in the prescence of the Lord our savior.

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  • Anynomous
    18 July 2017

    First time entering this church compound except watching it from the belt way. Met three God loving and fearing ladies from Utah and brought them from their hotel in Arlington, VA.
    Had a wonderful chat with them until we reach the Temple. Great experience! Thank God. God is always good.

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  • Anynomous
    14 June 2017

    Great place to feel the spirit. If you have questions about the temple and what goes on talk with the local missionaries at the visitor center next to the temple. This temple is closing March 2018 for renovation on the interior and exterior. It will reopen on 2020 and will have a time where all will be able to enter and tour the temple.

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  • Anynomous
    16 May 2017

    I love the peaceful, spiritual feeling of attending the temple. I wish that everyone would seek out its blessings. It helps me to draw closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and to keep an eternal perspective when life is at its most challenging and I might otherwise feel bleak in my outlook. Even just being on the grounds of the temple, I feel that peace.

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  • Anynomous
    10 December 2016

    The DC temple is a great place to go. It's the Lord's house.

    Beautiful! They do a great job of keeping the grounds looking nice.

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  • Anynomous
    10 December 2016

    What a great respite from the daily hustle and bustle of life. To go and feel the peace of Heaven and once again focus on what matters makes the journey of mortality easier. The Temple is splended in nature and architectural detail. The grounds are landscaped beauitifuly and are family friendly. The Visitor Center can help answer the great questions of life: "Where did we come from?", "Why are we here?", "Where are we going after we pass away?". It also has amazing art displays, seasonal venues, missionaries to speak with, a family history center, a scale model of the Temple and what is inside, and a beautiful copy of the Christus Statue. A place to go with your family or by yourself. Ask the questions that have been on your mind and discover the answers that will come.

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  • Anynomous
    01 December 2016

    Amidst the chaos of traffic and life there is no better place to come sit quietly and reflect on all that we have been given and what it took to build such an amazing building!

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  • Anynomous
    09 November 2016

    LOVED IT!!! Please take your family there and take a few moments to feel the peace that rests there. When I was having a hard time at work, I went to the Christmas concert after walking around by the big white Temple. It was peaceful but kind of more than that like I felt things woudl be resolved at work and that the conflict woudl subside.

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  • Anynomous
    08 September 2016

    The Washington DC Temple Visitor's Center is a must see on your visit to the Nation's Capitol. Tourists from any country of the world would enjoy this wonderful and inspiring site. The Temple should be on the list of the architectural wonders of the world. The Temple Visitor's Center is just a short distance from the Washington Mall. We took a tour of the Temple Visitor's Center after a busy day that included a lot of crowds, noise and traffic. You will be met by at the center by pleasant and helpful guides. The view of the Temple at night is awe inspiring. The center has several exhibits and a video presentation. My children had a great experience at the Center. If you are looking for a place of peace and inspiration, add the Center to your touring agenda. We are already planning to visit the Temple Visitor's Center again on our next visit.

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