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Verse 4 is located at Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, United States. Visit their website www.verse4.com or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

Verse 4 helps communities of faith deal with the crisis of property.If ...You are spending more time worrying about property maintenance than about mission.In your council meetings you talk more about money than about the work of the church.Your building that once served a larger congregation is overwhelming your now smaller and fragile congregation.If your growing congregation realizes that its aging property has become an idol and a distraction from vital programs.Then ... your property, once a blessing, has become a burden. When that burden is unbearable, then your congregation is in a crisis of property.Fewer people are supporting buildings made for much larger congregations. This is stressful to the members and to congregation and denominational leaders. Too few people are responsible for too much real estate. As a result, congregations find themselves spending dwindling money and limited time dealing with property to the neglect of their call and mission.Verse 4 helps these congregations convert property into mission.

Tags : #ReligiousInstitutions

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Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
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Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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