Great views, but the grouchy old smarty-pantses who take your tickets made my wife cry because the letter of the law is applied with an iron fist. Move over, Stalin, there's a new sheriff in town.
We got 4 tickets but Somehow 2 of them were Youth tickets but we're told we can buy 2 more tickets just to sit in the same same as the youth tickets. Don't get it shouldn't a seat be a seat. Who notices the youth behind the barcode? It's same price per ticket though. Bad lines for bathroom, bad experience.
First time at a large stadium. Seating is very tight so buy an extra ticket if you can for more room. Views of game seems to be good from all seating spots. Food and drink prices are slightly high but cheaper than expected. Read the bag policy before going to game. Only complaint is pregame events is confusing of where to go before game.
Small but great views every where in the stadium. The only thing I didn't like was not enough bathroom stalls and line waits in line at restrooms.
Whew Where to start? It's old and small. Nicer high school stadiums put it to shame. Enough said
Replay board only shows positive Vanderbilt plays, instead of every replay like other stadiums. Entrance and exit to each section is poorly designed.
Watched the Florida versus Vanderbilt game. Stadium is older but a good venue for an SEC football game.
Anchor down. Great school, neat town.
Took my kids to see the Nashville FC here. Entry was quick and easy. Plenty of bathrooms and concessions. Even if the Vanderbilt football team doesn't win here much, it's still a nice stadium.