Real Estate was a natural transition for Steve and Wende. They both believe that life is about people and each person you meet becomes part of a community and, sometimes, an extended family.
Steve’s father taught him at the very young age of 20, when he earned his real estate license, that real estate was about people and families. The home they purchase is a byproduct of the transaction. Houses come and go but people will remain in your life forever. Steve and Wende have lived by this over 15 years. It is amazing for to see the long-term extended family and friendships they have established.
Steve and Wende married in early 2000 and are raising the next generation of Valentine realtors, Christian and Chase. Steve obtained his real estate license in 1999 and Wende in 2000. They have worked together as a team ever since, just as his parents have for over 35 years. The one question they are asked most is, “How do you work and live together, and stay married?” The Valentines learned early on in their marriage, especially when they had kids, that it was going to take team work to run a real estate business and raise their boys. They take this approach with their clients as well.
“To give those we represent the best service, we accomplish more as a team than as individuals. You may not have kids or a spouse yet… but you already have, just like us, close family and an extended family of friends and people you spend most of your time with. As people, we always strive to give friends and family solid advice based on our past experiences. We believe your real estate experience with us will be one you will share with your friends and your family because we know your family and your dreams have to come first. We truly believe in our motto: ‘You, Your Family, Your Dreams! Our Commitment!’”
Pull back the curtains and open up the books! That’s what Jon says on bar rescue.
HGTV never really opens up the books, but that do give you some awesome numbers on the TV that make you want to flip homes right!
Our group has renovated and provided solutions for more than 450 families over the past 3 years and on Tuesdays I am going to walk you through what we did with a house including the story our actual profits and or losses.
Today’s profit was….. Find out at 430 today! Take a guess and comment below if it was portable and how much profit? #profitandloss#fliporflop #knowyournumbers
“Change is the only constant in life.” – Heraclitus
For some change is an end to something. For others, it is only the beginning. So, it is both with great anticipation and with heavy hearts ♥️ we must bid our colleague farewell.
Brian “Big B” Hines has been with Valentine Group for over three years. Hailing from the other side of the transaction, he brought with him the appreciation for each client’s situation through his experience as a mortgage broker. Now, he is taking a huge step into his new future as an independent Realtor and hanging his license with HomeSmart.
🙏🏼We thank you for your years of support, encouragement, and honesty. We wish you all the best in successes, experiences, and happiness!#goodluckmyfriend#itsallgood#cheerstoyoursuccess#bigbhines#valentinegroup
Nothing better than watching your boys hit each other and laugh about it. New game the kids are playing!!!! #boydad#mundspark#kidmemories
I found a 🦄 unicorn in Philly! I saw a post from @lori_lefcourt that she was in Philly and was staying at the same hotel, and attending the same conference. If you don’t follow Lori you should! Lori created an incredible product called @unicreamer a plant based creamer with protein. @unicreamer
525,000 podcast and counting! Why would we start another one? Just another way to add value to your life on a regular basis.
Ask anyone that works with me and it would seem the 💨wind is always shifting and I consistently change the direction until it feels right.
👉 1st it was going to be me doing interviews which is a typical podcast and what happens is you start o here the same people over and over again some of which I love and are so inspiring and motivational.
As I binge listened to @andyfrisella I was 👂listening to his co host @vaughnkohler and realized how much value it adds to have a partner to banter with and someone to keep you on track.
My wife says I use too many words in a day so I decided it would fun, funny, inspirational and motivating to have a young, sassy, and intelligent lady co-host. Then it was born @paigetonz a current real estate partner and as sharp as they come at 26, would be the perfect addition and she could keep me on track!
🏠🏡🏚Real estate has a purpose for all of us and we intend to keep drawing that purpose out and sharing with you what purpose it might now now and in your future and what purpose it has served in my 20 years along with the purpose from the 20 something perspective.
Client stories Investment tips Renovation tips Real estate strategies Selling tips Market updates
Welcome to “Purpose Driven Real Estate Podcast” #purposedrivenrealestate #stevedvalentine #paigetonz#adulting#fixnflip #realestatepodcast #ivalentinegroup
Philly or bust! @paigetonz and I are on our way to the Podcast Movement conference. Why? “Purpose Driven Real Estate Podcast” goes live in 1 week and we want to deliver the best possible content for you in the very best way we can! Inspirational, funny and full of real estate stories from our customers and others who have found purpose in their real estate! #purposedrivenrealestate #stevedvalentine #paigetonz#repurposed #realestatepodcast#ivalentinegroup #podcastmovement
Not sure who is more 🙏🏼 blessed in this picture me or Wende! 👉18 years of marriage💏 👉2 awesome teenagers👨👩👦👦 👉A mountain 🏔of failures, trials and errors both in business and in life 👉1️⃣8️⃣years of kick ass memories both good and bad (we only remember the good and never dwell on the bad)
All of these things have led us to who we are and where we are today! Blessing others and having the greatest impact possible in the real estate 🏠🏡🏚community.
Very rarely do you find a husband and wife serving in reverse roles as we do. Wende is hard working designer/contractor 🔨🔩and in the field in the disgusting AZ heat working on as many as 25 projects/renovations at one time on top of being a boy mom, wife and business partner. All while I am in the office running our traditional residential real estate company, providing “handcrafted real estate solutions” for anyone that is need of a traditional or non traditional real estate solution.
Congrats to Wende and the 4️⃣5️⃣0️⃣🏠Homes she has renovated in the past 3 years and all the hard work that has gone into growing our companies. We’ve learned so much and I assure you this is no Flip or Flop TV 🖥show. You know why?
Because I can’t lay tile or cut a straight line! I have learned to stick to my strengths of creative real estate.
After being in the flipping business for nearly 3 years there are a lot of lessons we have learned that we want to share in my upcoming course.
“The Limitless Project” will launch in the next few months. This is a course primarily for anyone in the real estate industry that wants to add creative solutions to their business, know how to create long term wealth and understand what is actually involved in the business model we have put together that has added extreme value to your clients and helped us compete with our ever evolving market.
There is no system you can buy to flip homes there is only your experience and designing “Your system” that will work for you.
Our biggest goal is to Keep you from making mistakes we did and to help you inject this type of business into your already successful real estate business.
Go to the link in my bio to sign up for more information
The Beauty and art of Change! Do these pictures remind you of the before and after pics you see of people once they have made the commitment and put in the time to transform their bodies or their lives. Repurposing a home is the same. These photos represent vision, commitment, time and energy.
Once Wende paints the vision we are committed to the project financially💵, mentally🧠, physically💪 and emotionally😃! 🏠 What if we started the change and stopped at the top right? Well we really can’t go back right? So why is it when we commit to being healthy or change in our lives we get to the top right and we stop? When we demo 🔨🔨a house 🏠this is when we burn the f*&king boats ⛵️and make it happen! There is no turning back. We are committed. You are committed!
What are we committed too? Impact! Just like a health coach, life coach, etc we are committed……
Impacting our communities
1️⃣ Raising the bar on properties that are being renovated 1️⃣ Handcrafting the greatest real estate solution for the consumer 1️⃣ Being a blessing to the new home owner that will one day own this home
What have you demoed in your life that you need to go back and commit too and finish?
👉 Career 👉 Family 👉 Weight loss
Whatever it is in your life you left in the top right picture torn up get your ASS back to work and commit to finishing it. The joy doesn’t come during the construction its gradually gets more exciting as you see the progress and the final product of your hard work and sacrifice!
Real estate and life there you have it. Our group is committed to impact and how we can impact you in real estate no matter what type of real estate it is. We have nothing to sell you only value to give and relationships to build. Lets make it happen in an ever changing market. You want someone willing to burn the boats and help you accomplish your dreams and goals in real estate. #transformation#burntheboats#ivalentinegroup #stevedvalentine #repurposed #fixnflip
“Make time for your kids” this sounds like an obligation or fitting your kids into your schedule. I wanted to spend time with the boys tonight. Pushed work aside and took a 5 mile skateboard ride to see the movie Skyscraper with them. There was no need to fit them in, I’ll just have to fit in my work later! #iwanttospendtime#stopmakingtime#harkins#memories#evolveskateboards
Say YES and figure it out later. That one no might be the missed opportunity of a life time. As Nike would put “Just Do It” #sayyestoeverything #limitlessmindset #stevedvalentine
$6.1 Million dollars worth of “Handcrafted Real Estate Solutions” provided by the Valentine Group in June!
* More than 20 families guided to an extraordinary real estate experience * Over 30 investors guided to new ideas and forms of real estate investing * Our investors earned more than $35,000 in interest from deed of trust investing * 15 families moved into our recent “Repurposed Homes” * 6 new homes purchased and provided a stress free solution
Thank you to everyone involved in each transaction from the title companies, loan officers, contractors, cross sale real estate agents, inspectors, appraisers, and so many more. Without each of you, we could not guide our clients and consumers to a successful and extraordinary real estate experience.
Another huge thank you to the nearly 50 investors who have invested in our projects over and over again allowing us to have a greater impact in the community all while providing a secure source of income on a monthly basis. You are making a difference in the local community every day!
Most important thank you to our clients for their trust and confidence in the Valentine Group in guiding them to their new homes and/or sale of their homes.
By the way who’s ugly mug is next to my name? Ha broker error!
Above shows a variety of ways we “Handcraft Real Estate.” Your needs are different than the next person. No matter what you are looking to do in real estate, we have some fun and exciting ways to buy, sell, and invest.
Find out what Handcrafted Solution we can offer you >> Link in bio to our Handcrafted Solutions! #myhomegroup #handcraftedrealestate #valentinegroup #loveourcustomers #phoenixrealestate
Are you trying to smuggle anything in your life?
Chase is off to camp this week, but not without trying to stick his dog Stanley in his duffle bag.
Needless to say we are all holding on to things we should let go of and stop trying to take them with us everywhere we go.
It’s ok to leave people, things, pets, and habits behind. You just have to pick the time and make sure you don’t let them back in your bag!
In real estate there were several things I had to adjust later in life as we went from one niche to the next. Once we let go something else will show up to replace that old thing or bad habit we have been hanging onto.
Its like cloning to an Ahole client that does not appreciate you. The longer you hang onto that person the less room you have for good clients. This goes for your friends, habits, etc.
Its not all bad stuff in your life you need to let go of. It could be mediocre clients, relationships, habits etc.
What do you need to let go of to make room for something great in your life? #giveitup #blessed#modogs#leaveitbehind#makeroomforawesome
Bumpy, muddy, yucky! Munds Park Can Am ride with my boys, adopted kids, nieces and nephews. Cold and rainy all day. Another weekend of memories in the books! #canamrides #mundspark#kidmemories#lovemud
I think I need to pee! Sunday morning mental 🧠workout with☕️ coffee 💦 Water Planning my week so that I can be the most productive as possible.
Then the physical workout with.. 💪Protein shake 🏃 Pre-workout shake
Feeling blessed and grateful this gorgeous Sunday morning!
What are you doing today to rejuvenate and plan for this up coming week?
Reflection and how important is it? It should be important to all of us everyday!
Its raining 🌨and 6️⃣4️⃣degrees, what every Phoenician dreams of in July. Sweet, we are actually having a monsoon season.
As I journaled 📝this morning I started to reflect back (the one you do when you go to deep thought) it was just 10 years ago we sat on friends or ours patio reflecting on what we had lost the year prior. EVERYTHING!
Now I am reflecting back on all that we have accomplished and the families we have helped with the purchase, sale and investment of real estate 🏠🏘🏢over the last 10 years. I have realized over the past 12 months how much purpose real estate has in all of our lives and in everything we do!
What purpose does real estate have in your life? Reflect on it for a minute….
* Your home 🏠where you make memories * Your hotel 🏢where you stay * The 🚦roads you drive on * The forest 🏕you camp in * The 2nd home you share with friends🏰 * The memories of your childhood👬
My reflection showed me the deep passion I have for my profession because real estate means something different at every stage of our lives. It’s not just sales 💵for me. My purpose is to guide people to the purpose behind the real estate they desire and what it will do for them now and in their future!
Comment below on what Purpose real estate is serving in your life now and in your past and what you want it to do for your future! #purposedrivenrealestate #reflection #journaling #mundspark #2ndhome#realestatememories
Give it all you’ve got today, tomorrow and beyond! 👊👊Never give and never give in! #nevergiveup#giveitallyougot #limitlessmindset #stevedvalentine
🙏🏼Hope and Forgiveness! This was one of the last times before my dad died that I saw that smile 😄on my younger bother Bob’s face. Bob is serving time in jail right now. For the past 1️⃣2️⃣months he has been there and I have not answered the collect calls and barley responded to his Bullshit letters! Because I have seen and heard all of this before.
Today was his sentencing hearing and I had no desire to go. I recently had a conversation with Tami our CFO and she reminded me of this….
I still love 💔my brother, but don’t like him because of the hurt and damage he has caused in our family and his kids. I owed to him to be there for him to see my face and know there is still hope. A hope that will drive him to survive get better and be better when he is released in 8 years.
Tami was right and he did have hope and a smile 👅I have not seen in years.
Who do you need to forgive and give some hope to that one day your relationship, friendship good be better. Is it parent, sibling, old friend?
I hope that one day the picture above will happen again with my sister Kathy and older brother dan! #forgiveness #hope#addictionsucks #lovemybrother #8yearsandcounting
We wonder where our kids learned to make messes! This is what it looked when we bought it, but it needed to be opened up! These are the messes @crazycontractorwife make on a daily basis. New project under way in Moon Valley! #moonvalleyhomes #phoenixhomes#valentinegroup #fixnflip
Lets Dance! In the current real estate market we are doing a lot of dancing with our clients and of course with the other parties involved in the transaction.
Just like dancing, myself and my group want to lead the way and guide everyone in the process to make it the best experience possible. Right now its tough for the buyers, their real estate agents, and of course our many clients.
This is where experience starts to shine. Just like dancing (which I used to hate because I sucked at it). The more I practiced and just got out on the floor, the better I got. I am still not the best, but the experiences have made me a better dancer.
Its okay if you have less experience, whether your an agent, first time buyer or seller, or a consumer that has done this before. Times change, rules change, and of course the market changes and you want the best lead partner you can have in your real estate experience.
Just think about buying investment real estate… Would you want someone who is investing to guide you to your first investment? Would you want to learn from someone who has experience from both buying and owing rental properties. I know I would.
Lets dance! We will lead the way and guide you to a successful real estate transaction like we have for many clients in the past. #leadtheway#valentinegroup #letsdance