
We want you to have fun learning, dancing, and becoming a part of an international community that is passionate about West Coast Swing!

Tags : #CollegeUniversity, #SportsRecreation, #CampusBuilding, #College&University, #Sports&Recreation

Location :
157 Pillsbury Dr SE, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455

Opening Hours

  • Monday -
  • Tuesday -
  • Wednesday 19:00 - 22:00
  • Thursday -
  • Friday -
  • Saturday -
  • Sunday -


Student organization on the University of Minnesota Twin Cities campus that promotes west coast swing dancing. The organization provides lessons and opportunities for social dancing.

Co-Presidents: Sarah Snapp and Michelle Hale
Treasurer: Nick Randolph
Secretary: Lia Von Huben
Officer: Luke Rosedahl

Niko Salgado