UNETHICAL AUTO RENEWAL CLAUSE!! This type of clause hidden in the fine print is illegal in many states because it has been proven to be deceptive and clearly unethical!! DO NOT SIGN ANY CONTRACT WITH THIS COMPANY!!!
Customer Service at this company is not helpful and even combative at times. There are much better companies out there. Stay away from this one!!
Alex our diver is always on time, willing to help and in a great mood. We appreciate all that he does for us.
Darnell IS the best service member any business could ask for. He comes in does his job, makes sure everyone is having a great day (and if we werent before he came in he makes sure we all have on a smile before he is done), he makes sure we have everything we need and are completely satisfied Good workers and people who love there job are extremely rare and hard to find now a days but this gentleman is by far the perfect picture of someone who does. We cannot thank Darnell enough for all of his help and satisfaction in making sure everything is perfect. You Rock Darnell!!!!
I work at the Circle K in Brunswick and Kelly is our delivery driver. She is awesome. She does her job very well. She is very fast and always has the bill ready when she walks in the door. She has a very fun personality and always has a smile on her face.
I work front desk at Hawthorn Suites in Seville and we get our rugs delivered every Wednesday by Kelly, and she's very nice and fast at what she does. She always has our bill ready for us when she walks in the door and has the rugs switched out with new ones before we even have time to get the payment out for her! We've seen others come in and needing two people to do what she does alone! Awesome worker! Since we always have a lot of active here at the hotel she always makes sure the rugs lay flat so no one trips or gets hurt which means a lot to us so we don't have to bother with the rugs till the next time she returns.
I'm a dispatcher at World Truck Towing. Every Wednesday, we get a visit from the hilarious and accommodating Kelly. She handles everything we need and is more than happy to assist. Being an emergency response company, we don't always have the time and organization to handle the things that Kelly does for us. We appreciate everything she does for World Truck!