Vision: Our purpose is to raise funds in the U.S. to purchase Ugandan State curriculum in Kampala, Uganda. This curriculum is chosen by teachers at various schools in Northern Uganda, which are extremely poor and in dire need of textbooks. Once the teachers have selected $500.00 American dollars worth of textbooks, these books are boxed up and sent by bus up to their remote locations to our contact people, who will distribute the books to the school. These top of the line books should help improve test scores.
Amazing choir from Los Angeles makes me remember those powerful rainstorms in Northern Uganda! Enjoy!
These are just some of the thousands of children who have received textbooks from Turn the Page Uganda. Please join us and make a tax deductible donation today to help us continue this important work! Go to Turn the Page
Thank you members of the Free Methodist Church for supporting Turn the Page Uganda today at the Mission Marketplace. We earned just about enough to support another school with textbooks!
How to show kindness- share your food!
My nephew went along to assist in book deliveries in Arua and Lira. Lots of new experiences!
In our travels to Northern Uganda, we were given permission to visit Rhino Camp by the Office of the Prime Minister. Refugees ( 80% women & children) are given land to build their makeshift homes, safety, freedom of movement, and the ability to make a living by whatever legal means they can. The only right they do not have is the right to vote. I don't share this to make any political statement about our country, but it did get me wonderingwhat would we do in California, if 90,000 people swarmed in to escape war and famine? I saw a number of agencies working there: the UNCHR (United Nations Commission for Human Rights), Red Cross, UNICEF, Save the Children, Samaritan's Purse, and WFP (World Food Program). Refugees are given a basic hot meal 3 times a day, maize, sorghum, salt, & oil. In a month WFP delivers 17,000 metric tons of food to Uganda! A truck can deliver 32 metric tons. That's a lot of food being delivered monthly. I saw schools that suddenly needed to include lots of traumatized kids, clinics admitting pregnant women for hopefully well baby checks, and others checking on the health of children. There was an amazing amount of coordination going on to meet their medical needs. It warmed my heart to see how many people were going the extra mile to help complete strangers. It's yet one more reason the people in this region need our help to receive an education and climb out of their poverty. Consider a donation to TURN THE PAGE UGANDA, or any of the other organizations I mentioned. Life really is a struggle there.