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THORN4KIDS is located at 40 W 57th St, New York 10019-4001, United States. Visit their website www.thorn4kids.com or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

Thorn4Kids "T4K" is a non-profit, a 501(c)(3) organization and donations are tax-deductible. T4K offers solutions to child victims and their families affected by abuses of all forms. We hyper-focus on the growing trends of online abuses, mental health crises, and trauma management.We now house an engineering and data science team focused solely on developing new technologies to combat mental health crises, online abuses and thorn that afect the live. We bring together a team with deep technical knowledge and subject matter expertise to innovate and deploy solutions. Ensuring young people have the tools they need when confronting risky situations online is a priority to our organization. We're continuing to invest in research, human capital and technology to understand the barriers that young people face. At Thorn4Kids we believe that education can break boundaries interests. With all the knowledge that is available now in the world, it should be accessible to everyone and for that we build our e-learning platform to support the connection between parents and young people..

Tags : #NonprofitOrganizationManagement, #EducationManagement

Location :
40 W 57th St, New York 10019-4001
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Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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