Things Matter 501c3 is located at 82 Marina Park Cir, Bridgeport, Connecticut 06604-5615, United States. Visit their website or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
Things Matter strives to build a caring society through working with peopleand community to generate donations to mission-driven organizations and asa result help underserved people enhance their life by giving thememployment, a sense of community and self-reliance.We believe in the power of things to help people and make the world a betterplace. In the cycle of giving and receiving as an essential, life-affirming part ofhuman existence. In the community and in our interdependence.We are passionate about empowering our society - we want to see a betterworld where people work together for the common good. And that worldstarts with the small act of donating a thing we no longer need - to someonewho needs it.We want people to see the power of their donations. Each time a donation ismade it is a step toward helping a meaningful cause, supporting people tolive a life they deserve regardless of where they are from, facilitating a lifechange for an underserved population, and caring for our environment.The Live to Give mindset teaches the importance of serving others while maximizing our own potential. It tells us that abundance in life is a cycle: that, in order to receive love, respect, and financial security, we must first learn to give those things to others.Through giving things a new life, we give a new life to people.
Tags : #NonprofitOrganizationManagement
Location :
82 Marina Park Cir, Bridgeport, Connecticut 06604-5615
Added by
Jopie, at 01 January 2020