TheRighting is located at New York, United States. Visit their website or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
TheRighting is a media company that aggregates articles and writing from various right-wing media outlets. The company, which launched in 2017, has a website, a free daily e-newsletter and a social media presence. TheRighting also researches traffic to conservative websites and publishes its findings each month in an exclusive report. The purpose of The Righting is to help inform middle-of-the-road and liberal audiences about stories and viewpoints not on their radar screens that are shaping political opinion across a wide swath of America. TheRighting has been written about and quoted by a wide variety of mainstream media outlets including The New Yorker (A Reporter in Right Wing "Crazy Town," June 27, 2022), The Washington Post (Enter Here to Explore the Alternate Universe of Right-Wing Media, Jan. 5, 2020), Poynter (An Almanac of Conservative Media, Jan. 19, 2019), and The Wrap (Breitbart Finally Breaks 27-Month Loss Streak, August 22, 2019). TheRighting has a relationship with a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit and is open to accepting support from qualified foundations. Inquiries should be directed to howard(AT)
Tags : #WritingEditing, #Writing&Editing
Location :
New York
Added by
Jopie, at 01 January 2020