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Therapy Missions is located at 35 Ann Dr, East Greenwich, Rhode Island 02818. They can be contacted via phone at (401) 258-0957, visit their website www.therapymissions.org for more detailed information.

Upcoming Missions:

Quito, Ecuador Jan 5-12, 2019
Montego Bay, Jamaica Jan 12-19, 2019
Morocco - March, 2019 (dates to be determined)

Tags : #NonprofitOrganization, #Therapist

Location :
35 Ann Dr, East Greenwich, Rhode Island 02818
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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We are a non-profit therapy organization serving orphans and other underprivileged people with disabilities all over the world. We have partners in multiple locations in China, Jamaica, Honduras, Panama, Dominican Republic and here in the United States and we have conducted over 40 trips in just ten short years. We are extremely knowledgeable on Physical, Speech, and Occupational Therapy and have been able to apply our techniques numerous times over the years. Please donate help us get more done than ever in the following years!

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