We'll often admit that we have a difficult time loving ourselves, as if love is something we must do, rather than something we inherently are. 💜
My view from stage
Downingtown East Senior Prom tonight. Doing music, projection and lighting. Looking forward to a magical night with the class of 2019
I had wanted to share this one for mother's day. You get it today instead I am very lucky as a mother, that I have had so many wonderful women that showed me my whole life what a good mother is <3
The world is not ready for these heartbreakers <3
AADD Valentines photobooth event
We ended the new year with our annual AADDPA event. We look forward to serving you in 2019 for photography, videography, DJ, balloon sculpting, facepainting, and close up magic needs 💜
Tis the season for giving and christmas spirit. So were volunteering at this amazing charity event for the children of our local community 💜
This is very much the Philosophy behind the turning page. That there are moments where our lives are divided into before this and after this, and the page of our story turns to a new chapter 61 years ago my grandparents married and the page turned. Yesterday morning my grandfather kissed her for the last time, as we said goodbye, and another page turned for all of us, and the story will hold less joy from now on. 💜 the studio will be closed this week as we make preparations and arrangements to say goodbye. We appreciate your understanding if we are slow to respond this week.
May all of you have as much love and make it through this many decades of love, family, and happiness together 💜
Caroline & Ryan's Wedding day at Saint Joseph's University, and FFVF. We just love how in love this couple is with each other, and how faith is the foundation they are building love off of. <3 We wish you so many years of happiness and love.
#VoGoesFlo Amanda and Bianca Tie the Knot in a fun, sentimental and beautiful wedding. #TheTurningPage. Before this moment you were Lovers, now you are Wives <3. We wish you so much love in your new chapters, and are grateful we got to be part of this day with you <3.
Omg going through photos editing, and I #canteven with this little #flowergirl #lovewins #vogoesflo #bride #wedding #happy
#GettingGriffithWithit behind the scenes shots
#GettingGriffithWithIt #incamera #wedding #ffvf