We have many types of items in our store, spend a little or spend alot and find just what your looking for or maybe the perfect item you weren't looking for. We have a large selection of jewelry, coins, books, vinyl. We have lovely art glass including Stueben, and Tiffany. Are you a comic book collector? We have over 2000, from the 1960's to the current. We have a large assortment of hard to find sci-fi books. You'll find Fenton, Fiestaware, antique dolls, clocks, pottery, art nouveau, toys and furniture. I could go on but we would love for you to stop in and check us out for yourself. Did I mention that everything is priced to sell!!! We are located in the town of Brewerton. Exit 31 off 81 North. Right of exit, Right at light (McDonalds). We our on your right, (BEFORE BRIDGE) accross from Rosies. We are only 1/2 block down from THE FARM antique flea market co-op. WE ARE ALWAYS BUYING OLD ITEMS!
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