Things have been very hard, with Dave going without his Insulin for the past week and me battling an Upper Respiratory Infection, several teeth that broke & have become infected, and a raging sinus infection. I have been unable to get to a doctor, the ER refuses to give me anything, just keeps telling me to see my family doctor --not that I could afford the meds anyway--and Dave cannot afford either of his insulins. We are both so scared. I am barely eating, constantly sleeping & it is getting harder & harder to breathe or catch my breath after simple movements.just seems like no one cares except the few who have shared this for us & the two who were able to donate to help us out. No one ever comes to visit us or talk to us anymore except Spencer when he can find the time between working & raising a two-year-old. Times are hard for everyone but I always thought helping out each other was what friendship was all about? We have always helped others whenever we sucks we need helpagain.
Hey folks! I know times are tough for everyone right now but please, please, please! Help out in any amount you can! Every amount helps! Right now, we need to get Dave's insulin & I need money because the root of one of my molars has broken apart & is coming out of my gums in small pieces, causing bad open wounds in the roof of my mouth. Please, we are DESPERATE for help! Some of the programs that helped us in the past have been cancelled because of lost funding thanks to the government's passed bills & Executive Orders & we are losing HOPE. Please, help in any way you can.
Thank you for getting the ball rolling, Becki! Every little bit helps because it adds up & gets us the meds, food, & medical needs that we each need so very much!
Good News, my Dear Friends & Family! My health has been slowly improving (no thanks to my doctors who have no idea what is wrong with me) and I have begun slowly working on things again! So, keep watching my page here and keep an eye on my Etsy sitee for NEW items coming VERY, VERY SOON!!!!!! We are so excited to have you see what I have been working on!
Dear friends, please help us in raising money we need for this last month of struggle (we hope). I desperately need to go to the hospital to be admitted. It seems my body is having troubles with a compromised immune system due to Lymphoma. Tests need run stat to confirm the doctor's suspicions since I have numerous lumps, extreme exhaustion, sepsis, several sites of cellulitis infections, and varios other symptoms. Please help us while we await my husband's disabilty check. I am having a one time aonly saale of 40% off every order over $10 until Christmas. Please, help us if you can? I can't go to the hospital until I know rent is dealt with. Please!!!!
Sale coupon for 40% off: HOLIDAYSALE
Dearest Friends!!! My health has not been doing well. My doctors seem to have NO CLUE what is wrong with me but with all the tests and such they have been running, they better get it figured out soon! I feel like a human pin cushion! Anyway, I haven't had ANY sales in MONTHS and it is killing me!!! I am willing to take SIMPLE custom orders (jewelry, dreamcatchers, feathers, etc.) until December 18th with gauranteed Christmas delivery. I am running a SUPER sale until January 15th, so take advantage because it will NEVER be this big again!!! 40% off Coupon Code of $10 or more!!! Coupon Code: HOLIDAYSALE
Take advantage now and help out a struggling, disabled, Native American family for the holidays! Thank you so much and Brightest Blessings!!!
Dearest friends and is with a heavy and scared heart that I write this to you. For several months now, I have been dealing with a lot of various "strange" and "mysterious" health issues that have the doctors confused and left my body beyond exhausted and hurting. A few weeks ago, I found a small lump in a rather peculiar place. I thought it a minor thing, something that was a minor hematoma from excessive scratching. As it turns out, I was wrong. It has more than doubled in size since I initially found it. I began going back over my symptoms, and putting together the "strange & mysterious" things that have been happening, along with my rapid increase of painand my elevated white blood cells from numerous blood tests. Going back over the paperwork from nearly 22 years ago and comparing lab work pages, it appears that my body may be fighting itself once again. What I am saying is that I think I may have Cancer. I have made an appointment with a specialist for as soon as I can see them but I am scared. We are, once again, fighting for our lives financially, and are falling apart. We have sold everything of value we own yet, we find ourselves desperately in need of $400. For numerous things, mostly, to cover what I was short on rent. I screwed up.this being on my brain, I got confused with the amount I needed to give the landlord, and he is being unforgiving. He doesn't care what is wrong with me. He believes I am lying anyway, no matter what I say. He has even gone so far as to insult me to his wife. How do I know this? He sent me a text meant for her by mistake. Anyway, that is our plight. I need the $400 by Wednesday, the 12th. Please, if there is any compassion in your heart, please help us. If you want to do it as a loan, we can do that too. Just PM me and we can work out details. Dave's Social Security Disability hearing is set for December 8th, and after that, we will begin receiving his checks in January. Please, help us this one last time? I know we have asked so much from you, but I would not ask if the need were not so great at the moment. us. I do still have items for sale on my Etsy site and I am still taking custom orders so please, one last help? Please? I know from past experience, that stress makes the Cancer grow more rapidly and rampantly.I have fought this battle 3 times before.but I fear I lack the youthful strength I had before to fight it again. Please, help us if you can.
Thank you so very much for anything you can do. I promise to keep you all posted as test results come in and the battle continues.
Brightest of Blessing, Tracey
I have loved this piece ever since I bought it but every time I went to make something with it, nothing felt "wrong"..but, I came to the conclusion many years ago that I was simply meant to carry this piece until the "true" owner came along. I would know them when I heard from them because it would just feel "right". So, if this piece is speaking to you, perhaps YOU are the one I have been holding this for! Come and get it because Dave is getting frustrated with me holding onto things I can't make things out of! So, come and get it!!!!
And THIS is the second piece of Carved Mammoth Ivory I have and the attention to detail is just AMAZING!!! You can see every muscle movement underneath the fur, around the eye and you can even see the Fangs!!! It is one of the most stunning, hand-carved pieces I have ever had the honor of holding onto for so long! I hope it finds a a good home soon!!!
This is TRULY a rare and unique treat!! I bought these YEARS ago when I had the extra cash to do so and I could drop $1k at a gem show. Go over and read the description on either piecethe story about these pieces, the people behind those learning how to carve these pieces is truly a beautiful, tearful story! But one worth reading and taking a moment to see the true BEAUTY in the world when others can take a skill, pass it on in a selfless way, all just to help someone who feels hopeless, lost and exhausted to feel Self-Worth, Self-Love, Self-Confidence, and Value again! Such a beautiful story and such a RARE and UNIQUE gift for that hard to shop for special person in your life!
And now we start with the raw materials I have for sale.I have several cabochon assortments and a few special pieces that are usable in your creations. Maybe you can use them instead of me holding on to them for the day that I MIGHT make something with them myself..
Ok, this is that last of the three that I made in this style and I am hoping I feel well enough this week (if I can raise the money I need to keep the lights on, the car insured, my phone on, and food on the table) then I am hoping to make 6 more of these in different styles and stones! I hope you guys like them as much as I do.I am even playing around with the idea of a necklace set! What do you think???
Now THIS is a new style bracelet that I am adding to my site! These new beads feel like Dragon Scales or Snake Skin and it is soooo cool to run through your fingers! I made it even better by combining these cool new beads with beaded gemstones! I hope you like it as much as I do!!!! This one is made with a genuine piece of Arizona Turquoise rectangle cut in 15x10mm size and beaded with standard size 11 seed beads. This bracelet is also durable enough to stand up to normal wear and tear because it is beaded with Kevlar Thread and finished with a Sterling Silver Lobster Claw Clasp!
Okay folks! This is the first posting for the day today, and the last bracelet in this style I have in stock!! Fortunately, if you do not see a color combo you want or need, just message me and I will whip one up special for you in whatever color combo you want!!! I love doing this style of bracelet and would be happy to make a special, custom one in your choice colors just for you!!!! Just sent me a convo stating how long and what colors and what color toggle clasp you want and I will have it ready in no time!!!!
Sadly, it is now 3:30am and my right arm is cramping something fierce. I need to try and get some sleep but I will be back tomorrow to start posting 4 more bracelets (3 of them are VERY INTERESTING!!!!) and then, I will begin with the raw materials!! I hope you guys like what I have posted so far!!!! I will be getting back to the jewelry sets VERY soon!!! Thank you for your loving support and I hope you guys see some lovelies for gifts you want to buy soon!!! Brightest Blessings and Safest of all Journeys!!!
This bracelet is ALL about the connection to the Root Chakra! It is all about grounding in the strong energies of Mother Earth and finding our most basest energies, emotions, and finding the true seat of our Passion and Strength for Life. The colors of this bracelet are designed to open your inner eyes to the truest, purest, most powerful of all emotions and to see just how they connect us to each other, to Mother Earth, and--most importantly-- to the Spiritual Source we all reach out to, in whatever form it takes! So, if you think you are ready, take a chance.see how your life is connected.awaken your senses and breathe it all in!
This bracelet is the sister piece to another I have listed on my site, named "Earth Connection" and it is 7 1/2" while this little dainty piece is only 6 1/2" long! I don't know why I made twousually I only stick to onebut this one.this combination.I have seen so many people that just need to be reminded to go stand out in the front yard and "be a tree"! Stand there, with your feet in the grass, feeling the roots grow down deep into Mother Earth and feel the branches reaching high from your raised arms, reaching high to your Spiritual Source. Feel all of this sensational energy connecting to youfeel yourself grounding.feel yourself growing to the skygive yourself over to the feeling and FEEL the Sacred Divine for once connecting deep within your core! You can do it!!!
This is one of my all time favorites since it always brings me back to the water I love so very much! It reminds me of lazy days, sitting down by the river, watching all of the wildlife interacting as I sketched them or drew a lazy stick floating down the meandering river. It always was so BEAUTIFUL and peaceful and made me feel so very calm. See if it makes you feel the same way when you meditate with it!!!