Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there. Especially to my mom.
Power is back on!!!
No power here at the shop this morning. Yes I did pay the electric bill.
Vacation time is over. I’ll cut your hair this morning but I won’t be happy about it. Back to curing ugly.
My buddy Eric Esk just sent this to me. I understand you all have needs that I’m unable to fulfill at this moment. All I ask is that you think of me the whole time you’re with that other person. Be back on the 23rd.
Just landed in San Francisco. It’s beautiful and not a straw in sight. See you guys in 15 days.
Just landed at our first stop, Las Vegas. When I come back on January 23rd, I believe haircuts will be 10% better than before.
IM OFFICIALLY ON VACATION!!Be back January 23rd. I know it sounds like a long time but technically I’m only taking 12 working days off. See ya.
I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. You guys tell me everything when you’re in my chair. Santa is not the only one who knows who’s been naughty or nice. Don’t worry though, what happens at THE CUTLERY stays at THE CUTLERY. Merry Christmas all!!!!!
Good morning. Back to work this am. Thank you to everyone who sent me positive vibes to get back on my feet.
I will remain closed today. Woke up this morning and it feels like someone is standing on my chest. Sorry for any inconvenience and thank you for understanding.
Hope everyone had a good thanksgiving. My plans were to open today but I’ve come down with flu like symptoms. So I’m going to stay home and rest and hopefully be back tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.
From my family to yours. I want to wish everyone a happy and safe Thanksgiving.
Thank you Rachel for dropping off these delicious pumpkin spice cupcakes!!!!
The Cutlery will be closed this Wednesday for the 4th of July. Have a great 4th and be safe everyone.
To all the dads and father figures out there. Without you, we would’ve never learned how to blame our spouses when we farted. HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!
My man Arda came by for a trim today. Watch out ladies.
Thank you to all the military men/women who have served this country. One day is not enough to show you our appreciation. Happy Memorial Day.