We are building up and encouraging future leaders of America through education and spiritual development. . [read more]
Renovacion Familiar "Reflejo de Dios" te invita a conocer mas a Dios atraves de su Palabra, Oracion y en la Comunidad Parroquial Sagrado Corazon de Rowlett todos los Viernes a las 7 p. [read more]
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church - Liberty , TX. [read more]
A biblically based support group for children 3rd - 6th grade. [read more]
If you are seeking a church home, you are welcome to unite with us. We are a peaceful church where the spirit meets the soul, a love filled church for all. [read more]
Stay up to date on events of AHG Troop TX0191 at Denton Bible Church, Denton TX. [read more]
Reaching women for Christ and helping them become all God created them to be and to be changed from the inside out. . [read more]
Hội Thánh Tin Lành Việt Nam Houston 12343 Old Walters Rd. Houston TX 77014 http://tinlanhhouston. org. [read more]
LIDS El Paso is a church, located at 4612 Montana, El Paso, Texas 79903. [read more]
Somos una comunidad que basa su unidad en el amor de Dios y busca ser el fiel reflejo de la plenitud de Cristo (Efesios 5:1;4:13; 2 Corintios 3:18). . [read more]
Healing, Helping, and Restoring. . [read more]
P. O. G. M/M is part of a larger Ministry that is dedicated to reaching ALL lost in ALL aspects. All members of this ministry are: Hard Core Christian Bikers reaching out to the Biker World. [read more]
Ignite Church Denton is meeting now! If you're interested in joining our launch team email us at ignitedenton@ignitechurches. org. [read more]
Pastor Brandon Tribble- We are a group of Christians who live by the word. We obey God through our Thoughts, Words & Deeds. Jesus is the Way Truth & Life. [read more]
WE BELIEVE God has led you here! We invite you to share the joy and peace that comes through a special relationship with Him through Jesus Christ! Let us help you build that relationship!. [read more]
Unveiling Christ Deliverance Church. [read more]
Konnection Kidz is the ministry for and about kids from Kinder through 6th grades at The Connection Church. . [read more]
We know that God loves everyone, including you. Our mission is to help you connect with God and discover the amazing future He has planned for you. . [read more]
Pastor Alan and Donna Ketchum Where Everybody is somebody and Jesus is Lord. We are a growing church, Come grow with us. We are closed temporarily on Sunday night services. [read more]
5210 N. FM 148 Crandall, TX 75114 www. taltybaptistchurch. org 972-427-3891. [read more]
We are a community church who believe that the Kingdom of God is breaking in, accompanied by signs and wonders. Come and see. . [read more]
Una Iglesia Que Alaba A Dios Ven te Invitamos. [read more]
We're a Catholic Church community in East Austin,Texas. We are largely Hispanic (Mexican-American) but are deverse & we welcome one & all to visit or find thier place & join our family. [read more]
Revealing Christ by Loving & Serving the Neighborhood. [read more]
The Church of Christ in Forest Hill exists to inspire people to give themselves fully to God. We desire to be a Christ-centered, diverse, community impacting church. [read more]
Pastor: Audrey Wright-Bonner, Serving the needs of the community 20+ years. . [read more]
This is a place to keep up with the happenings of our 7-12 grade Winters student group, as well as share prayer requests and encouragement. . [read more]
Weekly Activities: Sunday School @ 9:30 am Sunday Worship Service @ 10:45 am Wednesday @ 6:00 activities for children & youth. [read more]
House of the Lord Pastor Bishop Mary Williams Church services: Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 10:45 am Thursday 7:00 pm. [read more]
Our Mission Statement: To be fishers of men and bring light into a darkened world while fulfilling the Great Commission. . [read more]
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men's fraternal service organization whose is to witness to our principles of charity, unity and fraternity by performing spiritual and corporal works of.. [read more]
MDO at Bellville UMC provides outstanding faith-based childcare for children ages 6 months - 5 years. We are open Mondays and Wednesdays 8:00am - 3:00pm. [read more]
Saint Peter and Pauls Church is a church, located at Victoria, Texas 77974. [read more]
Whether your marriage needs to be reignited, or is in need of a complete resurrection, re|engage is a safe place for couples to reconnect. . [read more]
Religious Organization. [read more]