The church where Jesus reigns as King. [read more]
Church has gotten too complicated. We're making it simple, where it's all about Jesus. Receive God's Word for the week and live His Word during the week. [read more]
Conroe Texas Central Spanish Company. [read more]
Pastor: Joe Bozarth and Carolyn Bozarth. [read more]
Welcome to Centro de Alabanza Church, we are joyful to have you here and we receive you with arms wide open. Our Pastors Leeroy & Debra Cantu have been ministering in Centro de Alabanza Church.. [read more]
We are a church seeking to share the love and grace of Jesus Christ with all people. . [read more]
Charitable organization. Spreading the teachings of Jesus Christ. Feeding and housing the homeless. Advocating for the mentally ill or disabled. Fighting sex trafficking. [read more]
Our Lady of the Atonement Church is a church, located at 15415 Red Robin Road, San Antonio, Texas. [read more]
Provide a place for all women in Sachse and the surrounding area to find a friend. Come join us at FUMC Sachse and be a part of our community. . [read more]
We sell quality Bella Canva custom shirts. All our shirts come in a variety of colors and we go up to 3X in all of our shirts. Send us a design and we can usually make it. [read more]
Somos una Iglesia Bautista comprometida con Jesucristo y centrada en las Sagradas Escrituras, como nuestra única regla de fe y práctica. . [read more]
Iglesia Evangelica Enfoque Familiar es una comunidad de fe arraigada en el amor de Dios. Creemos que la adoración no solo se encuentra en la oración, es algo expresado en todo lo que hacemos. [read more]
Located on Dallas Street behind Dairy Queen, our Apostolic church offers hope, love, and a deeper relationship with God and His Word. . [read more]
Welcome to the Granbury SDA Church! We are a Christian community and would love to have you join our family. Please join us for Bible study, worship and prayer. [read more]
Lugar de descanso espiritual , venga y experimente la presencia del Eterno Dios en sus vidas Sinaí es el lugar donde los milagros ocurren cada día de servicio. [read more]
This is the official Facebook page of the Ector United Methodist Church. . [read more]
Iglesia Pentecostal Unida Hispana de Damon Pastor Armando Sifuentes. [read more]
In Mathew 5:14 the Lord said "You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. So no one can stop you in Jesus Christ name. . Amen. [read more]
Youth Ministry of Aldersgate United Methodist Church. [read more]
The First Presbyterian Church is a church in the Museum District of Houston, Texas. it had 3,567 members. HistoryThe church was founded in 1839 by Rev. [read more]
First Presbyterian Church of Kingwood Mdo is a church, located at 5520 Kingwood Dr, Houston, Texas 77345. They can be contacted via phone at +12813605555 for more detailed information. [read more]
First United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall is a church, located at 201 Church, Three Rivers, Texas 78071. They can be contacted via phone at +13617863217 for more detailed information. [read more]
Following Christ is not the same as following Christianity. . [read more]
The Heights Church 6 weeks-Kindergarten Ministry. [read more]
Central Baptist Church Welcomes You! Pastor - Bro. Tracy Sims Youth Pastor - Brandan Verm Children's Coordinator - Deanna Hutchason. [read more]
First Baptist Church in Dell City, TX Interim Pastor Rick Sones Minister of Music Coe Perry. [read more]
Anything and Everything about Women at Faith Bible Church - fellowshipping together as we serve, equip, encourage and challenge one another to glorify the Lord Jesus! Find us on Pinterest.. [read more]
We are First Anna Church's youngest disciples and parents. We believe kids are an important part of God's Kingdom and have a place in His church. [read more]
A beipa ta a padua pa MEC TEXAS. [read more]
North Point Fellowship-Conroe, Texas is a church, located at 17018 FM 1314 Rd, Conroe, Texas 77302. They can be contacted via phone at (281) 572-1928 for more detailed information. [read more]
At Cross Church, our mission is to Help People Cross Over from Sin and Death to New Life in Christ!. [read more]
For more information from church leadership regarding our policies surrounding COVID-19 please visit www. ACFcorona. com To continue supporting financially, you may visit http://acffwa. [read more]
Psalm 34:17 when the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears, and rescues then from all their troubles. �. [read more]
The Music ministry of the North Central Georgia Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of the Church of God in Christ. The honorable Bishop Joseph E. Hogan is the Jurisdictional prelate, and Mother Mary B. [read more]
Salmo 98:1 Cantad a Jehová cántico nuevo, Porque ha hecho maravillas; Su diestra lo ha salvado, y su santo brazo. Psalm 98:1 O sing unto the Lord a new song; for he hath done.. [read more]
¿Le pides a Dios por tus problemas y pareciera no escucharte? ¡Si esta es tu situación, deberías unirte a nuestro ministerio! Descubrirás que tu Padre Celestial te creo para que estés alegre.. [read more]