To accomplish the mission of the state parks division, State Park Police Officers provide the following professional law enforcement services:
• State Park Police Officers carry full statewide jurisdiction and are tasked with enforcement of the Texas Penal Code and relevant provisions of other Texas laws, Texas Park and Wildlife Code, State Park Rules and Regulations and applicable federal laws.
• Community oriented policing through education, community outreach and visitor relations.
• Preventing violations by conducting high visibility patrols in State Parks and adjacent areas.
• Citing, apprehending and arresting violators.
• Performs criminal and administrative investigations / manage investigative cases
• Conducts search and rescue operations
• Fostering professional partnerships with other local and state agencies and judicial groups such judges and prosecutors.
• Public safety and emergency management response functions including working natural and man- made disasters
• Homeland security operations including border protection, monuments, national historic land marks, public utilities / infrastructure, public water ways and land resources.
• Serve as a force multiplier to support law enforcement actions at other federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies when called upon.
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