Adult Education Hawkings County is a university, located at 954 East McKinney Avenue, Rogersville, TN 37857. They can be contacted via phone at +(1)-(423)-5001020 for more detailed information. [read more]
Maryville College Bridge is a university, located at West Lamar Alexander Parkway, Maryville, TN 37801. [read more]
Roane State Community College Oak Ridge Campus is a university, located at 701 Briarcliff Avenue, Oak Ridge, TN 37830. They can be contacted via phone at +(1)-(865)-4812000 for more.. [read more]
Roane State is a university, located at 701 Briarcliff Avenue, Oak Ridge, TN 37830. They can be contacted via phone at +(1)-(865)-4818222 for more detailed information. [read more]
Tusculum College of Knoxville is a university, located at 1305 Centerpoint Boulevard, Knoxville, TN 37932. They can be contacted via phone at +(1)-(865)-6931177 for more detailed information. [read more]
The Department of Chemistry offers the following degrees: B. S. in Chemistry (American Chemical Society accredited or not), B. S. in Biochemistry, B. S. [read more]
Chattanooga State is a university, located at 426 Battlecreek Road, Kimball, TN 37380. They can be contacted via phone at +(1)-(423)-8371327 for more detailed information. [read more]
APSU Sevier Hall is a university, located at Clarksville, TN 37040. [read more]
Vol State Steel is a university, located at 663 North Main Street, Goodlettsville, TN 37072. They can be contacted via phone at +(1)-(615)-2398115 for more detailed information. [read more]
VINSE’s mission is to drive innovation in nanoscience, nanotechnology, and education that benefits society by providing access to state-of-the-art instrumentation, sharing hands-on.. [read more]
The MSM exists for purposes of academic edification, spiritual formation, and personal development. Participants in the MSM are often considering a call to ministry or even the pursuit of.. [read more]
メハリー医科大学 は、アメリカ合衆国テネシー州ナッシュビルにある大学で、統一メソジスト教会と提携し医療従事者や科学者を育成するメディカルスクール。1876年中部テネシー大学医学部として創立し、アメリカ合衆国南部で最初のアフリカ系アメリカ人のための医学部となった。1915年に分岐し現在アメリカ合衆国で医療従事者や科学者の育成を専門とした歴史的黒人大学最大の私立大学である。医学部、歯学部、大学院の他に公衆衛生学部もある。医学博士号、口腔外科学博士号、公衆衛生科学修士、科学修士および博士号が取得可能である。アフリカ系アメリカ人の医師および歯科医の教育機関としてはアメリカで2番目に大きい。また公衆衛生科学修士および博士号の取得できるアフリカ系アメリカ人の大学としては最大である。『Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 』はメハリー医科大学編集の公衆衛生科学に関する定期刊行物である。歴史若いスコットランド系アイルランド人移民で塩商人のサミュエル・メハリーの名から名付けられた。彼が起伏の多いテネシーの地で荷馬車を運転している途中、突然スリップして沼地に転落し、ある解放奴隷の家族に助けられた。この家族はメハリーに食事と宿泊をさせ、翌朝荷馬車を修理した。メハリーは「今はお金を持っていませんが、いつか必ずあなた方の人種に恩返しをします。」と語った。1875年、サミュエル・メハリーと兄弟4名は中部テネシー大学医学部の創立に際し計15,000ドルを寄付。北部メソジスト監督教会解放奴隷支援組合のイギリス人牧師ジョージ・W・ハバードとジョン・ブラデンの寄付と共に1876年に中部テネシー大学医学部が開校できた。初年度は1名、2年度目は1878年に開始し3名が卒業した。1886年に歯学部、1889年に薬学部が開校した。. [read more]
This group is for eligible members of the Sigma Omega Alumni Association of Tau Kappa Epsilon. . [read more]
Lambda Chi Alpha is a socaial fraternity at the Universtiy of Memphis. Lambda Chi Alpha has been on campus at the UofM since 1949 (66) years. . [read more]
I'm running my own independent business working in the east coast this summer. I believe in the importance of educational growth and character development in young people. [read more]
East Tennessee State University's Learn2Lead Education program helps students maximize leadership potential in their personal and professional lives. . [read more]
The University of Tennessee Institute for Public Service (IPS) takes the expertise of a statewide university to the communities of Tennessee by helping leaders in government, business and.. [read more]
Searching for Medical Professionals to join the worlds greatest Army. . [read more]
ETSU College of Pharmacy is a university, located at Johnson City, Tennessee 37604. [read more]
Research news and notes from Tennessee State University. Our pace is accelerating. Hope you can keep up! Like our page and follow what's going on at TSU!. [read more]
Walters State Sevier County Center is a university, located at 1720 Old Newport Hwy, Sevierville, Tennessee 37876. They can be contacted via phone at (865) 774-5800 for more detailed information. [read more]
The College of Business offers a number of majors and concentrations at the undergraduate level and have both a campus and 100% distance MBA. . [read more]
http://www. aitpttu. org. [read more]
Bethel Bible School is a school, located at Hixson, Tennessee 37343. [read more]
This page is here to keep you informed on all the actions of the Rhodes Student Government. From events to debates, all RSG news will uploaded here!. [read more]
Offers undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral education in audiology and speech-language pathology. Includes four clinical programs, serving the needs of those with communication disorders in the.. [read more]
Designed by the architectural firm of McKissack and MiKissack and constructed in 1949, the building was the national headquarters of the Universal Life Insurance Company. [read more]
Tiger Blue Goes Green! The University of Memphis is dedicating resources and efforts to promoting sustainability. We practice what we teach and teach what we practice! Check out the latest.. [read more]
Wesleyan's GREEK Affinity Network seeks to connect sisters and brothers from sororities and fraternities from your college years. . [read more]
Welcome to the official Facebook page of the Electrical and Computer engineering Department at the Herff college of engineering. You can also find us at http://www. [read more]
I'm so glad I go/went to TSUI'm so glad I go/went to TSUI'm s-o-o glad I go/went to TSUSinging Glory HallelujahI'm so GladT-S-U. [read more]
Establishing the next generation of Tennessee Volunteer Fans!. [read more]
The Tusculum Fund is an annual fundraising campaign to which Tusculum alumni and friends contribute. It supports TC students and day-to-day excellence. [read more]
Kean Skylands sits on 40 acres of protected land in a pristine setting in western New Jersey and offers degree completion programs allowing area residents to realize their dreams of.. [read more]
We are an international non-denominational Christian club at the University of Memphis dedicated to helping students discover a dynamic relationship with God, live out the Bible & build.. [read more]
Save Watkins, a collective of concerned Watkins alumni, students, staff, faculty, and community members, was formed immediately after the announcement of Watkins/Belmont deal. [read more]