
Tags : #PlaceOfWorship, #PointOfInterest, #Establishment

Location :
60 Overlook Rd, Morristown, NJ 07960, USA

6 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    26 December 2023

    I attended a party my friend had here. I loved it and this place is nice. Highly Reccomend.

  • Anynomous
    09 November 2023

    I have been a member since about 1970, have invested personally over the years and benefited immensely from connections and life experienced shared here. It has been the keystone to my Jewish faith and practice of Judaism. I attended the religious school through confirmation, married and raised our children under the care and leadership of the clergy and educators. As president, I am proud to say that our synagogue and surrounding buildings provide an excellent, green and nurturing environment for our nationally recognized pre-school, our progressive religious school and many adult clubs and committees. Our temple and clergy are widely known for championing social justice initiatives and thrilling music intertwined through our worship services. Come out to see and experience our Kehilah for yourself.

  • Anynomous
    08 November 2023

    Temple B'nai Or is our second home. We try to go to as many Friday night services as we can and our kids love going... sometimes they even beg to go!! The Religious School is great and always looking to improve. And now with our new Rabbi, the future looks even brighter!!! I highly recommend TBO, and I would ask if anyone is interested, just give it a try, and be sure to introduce yourself to any of the members or clergy! We're always looking to expand our family!

  • Anynomous
    07 November 2023

    Temple B'nai Or is a friendly and welcoming community. Our children attended preschool there, and years later still rave about their wonderful teachers and experience. Everyone at Temple B'nai Or has made our interfaith family feel at home and a full part of the community.

  • Anynomous
    07 November 2023

    We have been members for 12 years. Both of my children have been through the religious school and had their Bar/Bat Mitzvahs there. These experiences have been wonderful! My husband is not Jewish and has always felt welcome and embraced by the clergy and the congregation.

  • Anynomous
    01 May 2023

    There is something strange with the head rabbi at Temple B'Nai Or. During major holidays, such as this past Yom Kippur, he tells the congregation that he has a very poor memory of his parents. He continues to describe his childhood. As the only child, he lost his parents between the ages of two and three, and he has almost no memory of them. He was raised by his grandparents in an observant Reform Jewish home in Illinois. Here's where that doesn't make sense: in his office, he will tell you that he has siblings and refer to stories about his parents. I think there's something really suspicious about the rabbi.

    I terms of my education at the Hebrew High School, I would say that the education leaves a lot to be desired. There's a lot about Jewish ethics, tradition and history that is completely left out of the curriculum. It seems that the school's strengths in education stop at the nursery school. I also felt that I was "sold to Israel" - given a subpar Jewish education but still encouraged to "forge a Jewish identity" by going to Israel.

    I think I might have been happier at another Hebrew school. Also, most of the families there are "once a year" type Jews, meaning you only see them once a year for Rosh Hashannah or Yom Kippur. When you do attend those services, the teenage girls wear just about anything that they want: tiny skirts and tank tops. And I'm sure that they have long- and continuously running mitzvah projects, such as regularly volunteering at the local soup kitchen, but I've never been invited to them. The families are also extremely clique-y, but that's not unheard of in most Jewish communities.

    I think I will check out the local Chabad. I might get the Jewish education there that I didn't get at Temple B'Nai Or.