Theme: Through a Different Lens
TEDxTCU 2016 was a success! From the director board, thanks to all who came to our event!
TODAY is the TEDx TCU Live Event, here is one of our featured speakers, Philip Kafuluma. Here is a sneak peak on his speech..
The Language and Mindset equation Language is an effect of our mindset. Through language, we can shape the mindsets of other people. This means that the words we use in our daily lives can serve as a window into our minds. #TEDxTCU
1 day till TEDx TCU Live Event, here is one of our featured speakers, Madelyn Carter. Here is a sneak peak on her speech..
Slavery in our backyards: shattering the "global" image of sex trafficking We shouldn’t just think of Indian brothels when we hear the words sex trafficking, we should understand that it happens at the Super Bowl, it happens at massage parlors in Dallas, and it happens five minutes from TCU. #TEDxTCU
Team Spotlight: Meet Haley Finch, she is part of the marketing team and is currently studying abroad in Spain, however she is here in spirit. Here she describes one of the weirdest things she has done.
"Probably the weirdest thing I have ever done was eat guinea pig in Ecuador. It tasted like chicken and was actually really delicious. I have no regrets about it except that I had 3 pet guinea pigs at home and felt sort of guilty about it but you know as the youths say YOLO." #TEDxTCU
3 days till TEDx TCU Live Event, here is one of our featured speakers, Ngoc Tu. Here is a sneak peak on his topic.
Interracial Relationships: Navigating the Differences Love is complicated. Being in love with a person who does not look like you, who has different customs and beliefs and who experiences life from possibly contrasting perspectives does not only challenge one's status quo as a single soul, it changes a person completely. #TEDxTCU
4 Days and counting till TEDx TCU Live Event!#TEDxTCU
Team Spotlight: meet Kyle Nunnaly, he is our director of operations and possibly the best fan in the stand.
"TCU football is the reason I get up in the morning. The players leave it all on the field, so I strive to leave it all in the stands. TCU football brings the campus together and truly does unite the frog family."- Kyle #beatkstate #TEDxTCU
5 more days!! Make sure to sign up on Google docs to reserve your spot. #TEDxTCU
When TEDx TCU Live event is only 6 days away. #TEDxTCU
Let the Countdown begin! Only 7 days till our live event make sure to sign up with our google docs link!
Team Spotlight: Meet our fearless leader and curator, Garrett Gomez. We asked him who his favorite historical figure is and why?
Abraham Lincoln because, one, he was amazingly influential, and two, because I have a great Lincoln impersonation."
Come to our Live TEDx TCU event and see if you can hear this legendary impersonation! Remember to check out our events page to find more info!
Happy Thanksgiving from Tedx TCU! Hope everyone has a great day spent with family and friends! #tedxtcu