The physician could not have been less interested in my health and wellness. He actually told me he wanted to wait for my insurance to process his bill before he would give me test results!
I went in to this office to have some specific blood tests done. After I received my results, I asked why some tests were not listed. The doctor told me they had been requested. After several more calls trying to find where the results were, it came out that the office had not requested the tests I asked for. They took another blood sample.
Unfortunately, they again failed to request the specific tests I asked for. I will not be back a third time.
The staff was completely unable to answer any questions about billing or provide a contact who could. The collective attitude seemed to be, "Not my problem or responsibility." I am told I have a balance but no can explain what it is from or why it was not submitted to my insurance company. I have already paid what the insurance company's Explanation of Benefits indicates is due, but with the way this office is run I expect I will see a bill months from now.
I would not recommend this place to anyone. If a doctor is more concerned with a new patient's insurance payment than their health, I doubt patient well-being is a priority. Couple that with an incompetent staff and you have a recipe for malpractice and negligence.