Talley Tavern's anticipated opening night will be the last weekend of October. Take a look at our upcoming specials and entertainment during the week!
M o n d a y s: FREE pool & $1.75 domestic longnecks
T u e s d a y s: Trivia Tuesdays & Poker night
* Any potential customer is welcome to participate in Trivia Tuesdays. Starting on the Tuesday before opening night, a random trivia question will be asked on Facebook. The first person to answer the question correctly will win a free domestic beer for the next bar visit. The winner must show his or her ID to the bartender in order to get the free beer. Good Luck!
**Poker times TBA
W e d n e s d a y s: Ladies' night!
*Come on in ladies and enjoy $1.75 domestic beers and $2.00 Kamikaze shots! Also enter in our wet t-shirt contest for a chance to get a first place prize of $100 in cash!
T h u r s d a y s: Come sing your favorite tunes at Karaoke night! The more you drink, the better you sing, and the better the others sound!
F r i d a y s: Live Classic Bands
S a t u r d a y s: Live Country Bands
S u n d a y s: Sports, Sports, Sports! Come watch your favorite team win on our 10 ft x 9 ft television while drinking $1.75 domestic bottles! Also, make sure you come hungry because we are going to serve FREE food throughout the whole game.
***Don't forget to take advantage of our internet jukebox to play your favorite songs, as well as enjoy darts, pool, and electronic games.
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