Greetings everyone please mark your calendar for April 13th: This will be an all day outing with two events for mentee and mentors of Striving for Success MP.
1. “Spring Clean Up” mentors, volunteers, parents, and community members will conduct an adopt a street clean up for the the City of Greenville Spring Clean Up. This will start at 10am-12pm. Meeting location will be “14th street and Charles Blvd” in the Harris Teeter parking lot. Hope to see you there!!!!!!
12TH ANNUAL IGCC DAY: Saturday April 13, 2019 10am to 3pm at the L.W Gorham inter- Generational Community Center 1100 Block of Ward Street, Greenville, NC.
This event is free to the public: - Food -Youth Activities - Health Screenings -Music -Karaoke -Giveaways and Door Prizes -Games -Vendors -Health and Wellness Awareness/Education
Open Enrollment is here for Ruth Promises 4 Youth, Inc.
Ruth Promises 4 Youth, Inc. of Raleigh North Carolina will have an interest meeting March 30th 10:30 am - 12:30 pm. Attend this meeting if you are a woman that is passionate about mentoring and empowering young girls.
March 30th 9:30am-10:30am A Game of Chess!!!
A few of the guys at Atomic Laser Dome yesterday they had an awesome time:
Got a reason to smile.. many reason to strive for success.. reason to love God
Big thanks to mentor Rachel and Chris for this awesome activity with the fellas. Stay tuned for the event.
Guess who loves Golden Corral? 🤔 Yes, this kid!!
The guys at Five Below passing out flyers for our fundraiser. Stay tuned for our next outing.