I just go in ask questions/make payments and it’s quick and easy.. the only problem I have is the distance I have to drive just to get here
Decent experience. Parking was nice compared to Fulton, as I chose to park in a church parking lot. I keep a Jesus fish magnet for these emergencies. As far as the officers: lots of flat tops and moustaches, and the threat of a high-five or a Full Metal Jacket refererence was ever present. On the administrative side: Lots of gently used, and slightly boozy, but not unattractive clerk's. Chili's is real, ya'll.
As far as fellow defendants: quite a few fiiiiine black guls, and a lot of rich white chicks in Sunday drapery. They were stoopid cute, but the "my daddy's knows the sheriff" giggles were off-putting and they shoulda owned the look with some Kentucky Derby hats. The process as a whole was slower than expected (didnt know that was possible) so 0 stars there. Sadly, didnt get to check out the restrooms, as there was a dopesick pink-haired girl tossing her cookies the mensroom. (No, that is not a sexual act, but it should be). I requested a continuance to hire an attorney (I'm not), so that I can beat this case (I'm not), so I will update shortly.
The courthouse deputies assigned to security, court staff, and specifically staff in the lien office were kind, helpful, and there was almost no wait time.
Parked in the square. Walked to probate court to apply for our marriage license. Which is also where you can renew gun permits. Quick in and out.
Impossible to find parking anywhere near here. Impossible to figure out where you are supposed to go. Good luck if you need to go here for anything.
Calling the automated phone line after the required 10 days is pointless. I have been trying for eight days afterwardsTo Pay My Citation. I finally get a woman on the phone who is more interested in the conversation of co-workers than assisting me. After her conversation, she gives me another automated payment number only to sit on hold for over 1/2 hour hearing you call is being transferred. I finally decided to drive down to the traffic bureauwill give part 2 my experience of the bureau.
I delt with a woman named Lola. Im not going to state my entire experience with this woman..but the past couple times ive delt with her, she never smiles or is nice in anyway. She greets you with an attitude. Today was by far the worst because i delt with her for longer than 1 minute. She raised her eyebrows at me multiple times as well as swinging her head. The only time i saw a smile off her was when she smirked and laughed at me. She had an attitude in her voice. It wasnt her having "a bad day" its her just being a bitter person. I wasnt rude to her in any way as much as i wanted to. She needs to go work at Fulton County, because she sure as hell has their damn attitude!
Beware of some of the employees, you can just about watch them breathe fire when you ask them to do something