Our purpose is to love the Lord with all our heart, to teach and preach the Word of God with power and holy boldness to sinners and saints, as well as to lead them into a totally devoted relationship with God through Christ Jesus.
On July 9, 1999 nine baptized believer’s came together in the home of Pastor and Lady Jones to organize St. Peter International Baptist Church. We had our first church service on July 11, 1999 at the Sheraton Hotel in Columbus, GA
We later had a name change through the Secretary of State to St. Peter Community Church, Inc. Our first ushers were appointed July 31, 2000, first deacon was appointed 27 July 2000, and the first deaconess appointment was 3 Dec. 2000.
We had a small beginning but remember what the bible says, about not despising small beginnings.
Our Pastor’s first sermon was Oct 13, 1996 at Canaan Baptist Church Columbus, GA.
Pastor was licensed to preach 13 Oct. 1996
He was ordained Dec. 31 1998 by the late Rev. Dr. J. Harald Carter Canaan Baptist Church.
Our Pastor has been an usher, deacon, and superintend of Sunday School all at Canaan Baptist Church.
We started the first woman’s conference in Columbus, GA. In Feb. 2000, the theme was “Becoming a Woman that God Can Use”
The rest is history and the best is yet to come, stay encouraged St. Peter we can take the land.
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