Our mission in creating the new youth group consists of themes that will transform the youth of our parish into true followers and servants of the Lord. We wish to integrate the youth with the rest of the parish community through Christ to prevent divisions of ministry. We aim to start off each individual, by teaching them morals of our faith to them for their everyday situations to help them build their personal relationships with Jesus Christ. Once being successful with this goal we can proceed in building friendships revolving around the love of our Savior. Stressing the importance with living with God’s love, peace, and patience the youth will learn to allow only our creator to judge and they will understand the beauty of every individual. Along with accepting the presence of our brothers and sisters socializing will begin in our ministry. We will combine socializing with fun activities, sports, music and the most basic source of teenage pleasure-food. We understand our mission will be time consuming and the hardest to accomplish of all the ministries in our parish. We have faith, if we keep our minds and prayer and give all our trust to God our ministry will be of most success and pleasing to our Father.
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