From the Department Co-Chairs
Letter to Department Students, Spring Semester 2016
Now that the Spring 2016 semester has ended, we wanted to check in with you and catch you up on how things have gone since our last email. In a word, wonderfully. We are very, very excited by the progress that has been made by our students and faculty on a variety of fronts.
New Department Name
We are very pleased that the merger of the departments of Educational Studies and Research and Educational Leadership and School Counseling has been approved. The new department will become the Department of Educational Research and Administration (ERA) effective July 1. Although the School Counseling program will become part of another department, all other degree programs existing in the former departments will continue to be housed in ERA.
Personnel Changes
We are losing two members of our department and wish to extend to them heartfelt thanks for their contributions. Dr. Georgiana Martin, Higher Education and Student Affairs, has accepted a faculty appointment at the University of Georgia. We know that she will continue to be a credit to her field and an asset to UGA. Ms. Keiandria George, Student Recruitment and Retention Specialist has left USM to move nearer her family in the Jackson area. Her responsibilities will be now be handled by Ms. Barbara Eyer ( We wish both Dr. Martin and Ms. George the best.
At the same time we are welcoming a new tenure-track faculty member, Dr. Holly Foster, who will become an integral member of our Higher Education faculty. She will teach her first course for us this summer, Social Justice in Higher Education (HE 705).
Curriculum and Scheduling
The program faculty have made substantial effort and progress toward streamlining curricula, improving the process of student advisement, and outlining regular and predicable schedules for all course offerings in our degree programs. Should you have questions about advisement, enrollment, or future course offerings please contact your graduate advisor and/or Dr. Kyna
Shelley (
New Website
On a related note, we will soon be rolling out a new department website that will host important information including program details, how to register for comprehensive exams, and course scheduling information to aid you and your advisor in planning ahead for the courses that you will need.
Research Support Center
We are also happy to report that our College Research and Support Center (RSC) which we house has made a most impressive start. Under the direction of Dr. Paprzycki ( the RSC has provided dissertation support to more that 20 of our doctoral students in the areas of methodology and data analysis. The RSC will be open by appointment throughout the summer semester.
We are delighted that you have chosen our programs to further your education and careers and look forward to serving you in any way we can.
ERA Department Co-chairs,
Dr. Thomas Lipscomb (
Dr. Lilian Hill (
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