The Small Business Legislative Council (SBLC) is an independent, permanent coalition of trade and professional associations who share a common concern for the future of small business. The purpose of SBLC is twofold: to consolidate the strength and maximize the influence of business on legislative and Federal policy issues of importance to the entire small business community; and secondly, to disseminate information on the impact of public policy on small business.
Since its creation in 1976, SBLC has grown dramatically to represent nearly every sector of our economy including manufacturing, retailing, distribution, professional and technical services, agriculture, transportation, tourism, and construction. SBLC has become a unified force that is respected throughout the government. The Council's views are sought and its opinions are valued by those in government who must decide how the laws of this nation are enacted and enforced.
Because SBLC is concerned with the small business community as a whole, the issues on which the Council acts are those which affect all small businesses.
These matters include taxes, liability insurance, budget, antitrust enforcement, employment issues, government procurement, environment, establishment of a small business voice in Washington, venture capital, and other small business financing mechanisms...
This list is potentially endless, and it is being expanded constantly as SBLC members discover that many of the problems of their members are shared by smaller businesses in other industries. Any issue of importance to small business in general is important to SBLC.
Since SBLC focuses on issues of common concern to the small business community, the Council quite properly leaves to the individual member the handling of its own particular problems in Washington.
SBLC is governed by its members' associations. Each member has full voting rights in the selection of chairman, officers, and board of directors. Permanent committees on issues are established to develop policy and monitor Council activities in those areas. SBLC's Board of Directors meets regularly to oversee the Council's day-to-day affairs.
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