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Sitka National Historical Park is a park, located at 106 Metlakatla St, Sitka, Alaska 99835. They can be contacted via phone at (907) 747-0110, visit their website www.nps.gov for more detailed information.

Sitka National Historical Park, Alaska's oldest federally designated park, was established as a federal park in 1890. http://www.nps.gov/sitk/

Tags : #PublicGovernmentService, #NationalPark, #LandmarkHistoricalPlace, #Public&GovernmentService, #Landmark&HistoricalPlace

Location :
106 Metlakatla St, Sitka, Alaska 99835
Added by Jopie, at 02 December 2017


Sitka National Historical Park, Alaska's oldest federally designated park, was established as a federal park in 1890. It became a national monument in 1910 to commemorate the 1804 Battle of Sitka fought between the Tlingits and the Russians. All that remains of this last major conflict between Europeans and natives of the Northwest Coast is a clearing at the site of a Kiks.ádi Fort, located in the heart of this scenic 113-acre park, which features the Totem Trail.

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17 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    07 September 2018

    Today marks our annual first grade garden harvest at the Russian Bishops House. Our first graders harvested Tlingit potatoes, carrots, turnips, kale, lemon sorrel and more. What are you harvesting in your garden? Thanks to our teachers, first graders and the park garden team - Stacy Goade, Jerrick Hope-Lang and Mark Sixbey.

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  • Anynomous
    24 August 2018

    This Saturday, August 25th, Sitka High School will be hosting their annual cross country meet. Approximately 100 racers will run the totem trail between 10am and noon. Go Wolves! (photo courtesy of the Juneau Empire)

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  • Anynomous
    10 August 2018

    The Kiks.adi fort site, known as Shîs’k’í Noow (green sapling fort), and the 1804 Battleground are key attractions of the Sitka National Historical Park. In 2017 the Park began a battleground restoration project including clearing underbrush, small trees, and experimenting with removing the logs from the past pulp mill from a 50 foot wide area of the Battleground. The park’s goal is to make Sitka Sound visible from Shîs’k’í Noow through the tree clearing. However, several hurdles currently impede the project, one of which is the remaining pulp mill logs are large and awkward. It took three days for two maintenance staff to chop up and remove just one log from the site. Presently, there are around 78 logs in the project area and 28 of those are approved for removal. For the park’s future, complete restoration of the battleground is under consideration and we are seeing suggestions from the community. Please submit any comments to this post by August 15, 2018. Images below are of the battleground in June 2016 before the project and August 2017 after clearing.

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  • Anynomous
    09 April 2018

    The Blessing of the Fleet has a long tradition in Sitka that continues today. E.W. Merrill captured images of this springtime custom with Orthodox priest (Fr. Kashevarof) blessing Sitka's fleet ca. 1907-1910 near what is now Katlian Street. Today, the Blessing of the Fleet typically takes place at Crescent Harbor shelter off of Lincoln Street.

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  • Anynomous
    21 March 2018

    This Friday, March 23, and next Friday March 20 form 2-3:30pm, Sitka National Historical Park and the Sitka Tribe of Alaska are offering a free after-school tináa workshop! Students in 2nd through 5th grade are welcome to participate! Participants will learn the cultural significance of the tináa, and make their own copper tináa pendant. Space is limited! To register for this free workshop, or for more information, call 747-0110.

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  • Anynomous
    16 March 2018

    Nothing says spring is here like the return of the herring.

    Photos taken in early 1900s - we find the one of the large cluster of roe among the rocks quite interesting.

    Here's a little side note related to this: In March 1896, the going price for two dozen fresh herring was a dime.

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  • Anynomous
    10 March 2018

    Unfortunately, tonight's beading workshop is canceled. The beading workshop series will resume as scheduled next Friday March 16th.

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  • Anynomous
    09 March 2018

    Sitka National Historical Park is hiring for two Maintenance Worker positions for the 2018 summer season. More information about the position and application materials can be found at the park Administrative Office at 103 Monastery Street, or on the park website: nps.gov/sitk/getinvolved/workwithus.htm Locals are encouraged to apply! Application period closes on March 16th.

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  • Anynomous
    17 February 2018

    Today, all of Alaska celebrates an incredible civil rights leader: Elizabeth Peratrovich. She was the driving force behind the Anti-Discrimination Act of Alaska (which was signed on February 16, 1945), which granted equal rights and privileges to all citizens of the then-territory of Alaska. All this was done fourteen years before Alaska became the 59th state, and nineteen years before the Civil Rights Act was passed for the rest of the country. #womenwhomadehistory #elizabethperatrovich #alaska

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  • Anynomous
    02 February 2018

    Parents and kids, join us for the latest installment of our Eco-Detective Series at Sitka Sound Science Center and Sitka National Historical Park! This month’s event will be held on Friday, February 2nd from 10 am-1 pm.

    Meet at the Sitka Sound Science Center at 10 am. Be a detective and examine clues to solve the mystery! We need your help to solve this month’s mystery of What’s in a Wetland?

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  • Anynomous
    24 January 2018

    Following the enactment of the continuing resolution, all areas of Sitka National Historical Park have reopened! However, due to recent snow and ice (and more likely coming in the next few days) please exercise caution while walking on the park trails.

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  • Anynomous
    10 January 2018

    Sitka might not have the very long nights and subzero temperatures many people imagine when thinking of winter in Alaska - but we definitely get the scenic snow ❄️ #findyourpark #winterwonderland #alaskawinter #optoutside #birds #history #snow #alaska #sitka @ Sitka National Historical Park

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  • Anynomous
    28 December 2017

    Sitka has been enjoying some spectacular clear and sunny days this past week (though a little chilly!) A beautiful photo from the park looking southeast towards snow-capped Bear Mountain ( 📷: @ericsarahjordan ) #findyourpark #sitkanps #sitka #alaska

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  • Anynomous
    22 December 2017

    After shining beautifully for 6 hours and 42 minutes, the sun set in Sitka at 3:20pm, this ending the shortest day of the year and starting the longest night. It only gets lighter from here! #findyourpark #sitka #alaska #solstice #wintersolstice #midwinter #sunrise_and_sunsets @ Sitka National Historical Park

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  • Anynomous
    22 December 2017

    Happy Solstice! What are you doing to enjoy the shortest day (and longest night) of the year?

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  • Anynomous
    13 December 2017

    Sometimes at low tide, you’re lucky enough to get not just one sunset, but two! #findyourpark #sunset #sitka #southeastalaska

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  • Anynomous
    09 December 2017

    If you haven't had a chance this summer to explore the "Voices of Change" exhibit at the Visitor Center, now is the time! The unique pieces from eight artists featured in the exhibit will be on display through the end of the year. Winter hours for the Visitor Center are Tuesday - Saturday, 9 am - 3 pm

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