
Photography business located in Herriman. Family, graduation, kids, pets and large group photography using natural light and mainly outdoors.

Tags : #Photographer

Location :
14491 Siltstone Road, Herriman, Utah 84096
Contacts :


SilverCrest Photography is all about Natural Light. I love doing photo shoots using the natural light outside. As of right now I dont have studio space so everything is done either outside or in your home.

"You dont take a photograph, you make it." I love this quote and believe it with all my heart. There is so much more to taking a picture than just hitting the snap button. You have to imagine and focus on what kind of message you want to communicate. Do you want to remember your kids when they were young and innocent? Do you want to remember how wrinkly and tiny your newborn babies feet were? I want to be able to capture these memoriesa and give them to you to cherish forever.