Shining Sun Aromatherapy features Wisdom of the Earth pure, medicinal-grade essential oils, as well as a line of Custom AromaKits, including Manifest!, The Essence of Collaboration, Love is in the Air, Ascension, Scent of a Woman, and more. As an owner of Wisdom of the Earth, I offer all 200+ single, pure essences, and have the full line of testers available to experience. We also offer certification classes in Medicinal Aromatherapy, as well as Skype and Inter-net based training. Personal Aromatherapy Consultations are available by appointment.
Incredible weather here in Santa Fe today! Warm, sunny..Spring is in the air! Was able to introduce Helichrysum gymnocephalum to a client who was having severe allergic reaction to all the pollen in the air. That little beauty is incredible to put behind your ears, down the eustachian tubes, and then across under your chin to get control of springtime allergies. And then Helichrysum italicum hydrolat is wonderful to spray in the eyes when they get swollen, itchy etc. These two helichrysums are a dynamic duo, LOL!
I guess it's AromaKit season, LOL. Just this week, 2 Scent of a Woman Kits, 4 Emergency Kits, 1 Ascension Kit, 1 custom Kit, 1 HeavenScent, 1 Chakra Balance Kit and 1 Dream, Dream, Dream Kit went to new homes. It's funny how these things go in waves! Picking out some new fabrics when I go to AZ next week there is a fabulous quilting store in Sedona that I love! See link to the AromaKit page below.
I have been battling a really difficult bout of bronchitis, and my allies, the essential oils, have a giving me more than medicineI can feel their life-force boosting my own. When I read articles mocking people who talk about how alive pure, distilled plant essences are, I honestly feel sorry for them. It is so incredible to put on some of my eucalyptus oils, spruces, and the mints, and feel an immediate infusion of their energy. I am now definitely in recovery mode, and feeling very grateful for the time I have allowed myself for healing and the plant essences that made such a difference!
Just returned from teaching at our 7-Day Japanese Level II aromatherapy retreat in Arizona. It is such a privilege and an honor to share my years of experience, and my deep feelings for the plants and trees and their gift of essential oils. The comments they shared show that they were deeply touched, and for many, this will be a turning point in their lives!
Working on my next newsletter! Have you ever felt a little overwhelmed with our multitude of Fir essences, our broad selection of Lavenders, or our multitude of Eucalyptus oils? Well, that's what this next e-news is going to be about! Stay tuned!
Working on my Tree Essences presentation for the March Japanese Level II Retreat. We are adding Camphor Essential Oil to our offerings, and so I am updating the presentation to include her. We talk about Ravensara and Ravintsaraand the Camphor essence is made from the bark and wood of the cinnamomum camphora tree, while Ravintsara is made from the leaves and twigs of the same tree! Very powerful oilhuge for respiratory/lung issues, as well as her ability to relieve pain and swelling.
Love this Tiger's Eye pendulumand the Sun and Moon holder. Such a Leo pick stones, colors, symbols! Will be adding unique pendulums, artisan aroma amulets, and gorgeous diffusers to my website in the next few months. Stay tuned!
At the root of so much pain and dysfunction!
So true! Can you hear me now? βΊοΈπ³π²π±. Yes!
Day 15 of "My Favorite Things" review of the essences in my new AromaKit, considered along side of an image associated with the "favorite things" spelled out in song. There were only 14 favorite things mentioned in the songand my AromaKit has 15 essences. So, I saved the best for lastLaurel Leafwhich, for me, represents the "creme de la creme", your favorite among favorites. The fitting "Queen" of My Favorite Things.
I am captivated by the aroma of Laurel Leaffresh, uplifting, "green", invigorating. And I am awed by the multitude of issues she can address in humans: digestion, respiratory, detoxification, lymphatic supporter, and a tonic for the kidneys and reproductive system. She is also highly anti-fungal and anti-viraldefinitely someone to have in your corner.
Emotionally and spiritually, Laurel Leaf brings us to our authenticity, gives us courage, and brings out the best in us. She banishes fear, worry, insecurity, lack of confidence, and reminds us that self-love is the basis of compassion, empathy and service. How can we give to others from an empty well?
I never hesitate to recommend hershe flies off of our shelves, and is a dear friend and ally to so many of our clients. She has changed lives and transformed despair into determination. I take my hat off to Laurel Leaf.
Day 12and the 12th "favorite thing"girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes". I found, when looking for images that could accompany these posts, that there are many art series that have been created to bring the words in that song to life. I would guess that the song "My Favorite Things" was one of the most inspirational, in that way, of all of the songs written. Quiet a cultural achievement! Equally ubiquitous is the essence of Lavender. She is known throughout the world, and if you mention the word aromatherapy, Lavender is usually the first example you will hear in return. I have chosen our Lavender, Fine, from France, to pair with the beautiful image of the girl with the blue satin sash.
Lavender is so well known across time and cultures because of her almost limitless healing properties. I have been astounded at her ability to heal burnsfrom mild to very serious. Quickly and usually without a scar. I like to alternate the essence with cold water the first dayto help relieve the heat of the burn.
She is also amazing for bruises. It is, of course, best if you apply her right awaythe other day, I dropped a heavy marble ball (this thing was about three inches in diameter!) right on the top of my bare foot! I immediately drenched the top of my foot with Fine Lavender, andno swelling, no pain and no bruising. I was surprised to see, about 4 days later, a small bruise on the side of my foot below the ankleI realized I had applied lavender to the top of my foot, but not the side, and so a minor amount of damage occurred.
Lavender is very calming, both physically and emotionally, and many people use her for sleeping. She is so multi-purpose, with her anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties, that literally, she will likely benefit whatever ails you! She is great for joint pain and muscle pain, and I love to layer her with Red Pine and Cornmint for those purposes.
For many, many people, our Fine Lavender is truly one of their favorite things.and I knew she absolutely had to be included in my Favorite Things AromaKit! If you are interested in purchasing a bottle of our Lavender, Fine (we list it that way on our price list and in my on-line store, so that all of our various lavenders are featured together) or the My Favorite Things AromaKit, please visit my website,
Day 11 of "my favorite things" is represented by one of the most beautiful images in the song"Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings". I have always been drawn to anything having to do with the moon, and the elegance of geese in flight has always inspired awe in me. I have paired Spikenard, one of the most ancient of oils, with this image, as she has the gift of connecting us deeply and intimately to the natural world and all of the beings, animate and inanimate, who inhabit it. Many years ago, she facilitated my first experience of receiving a message from the natural worlda huge holly tree in my back yard when I lived in Newtown, PA. So she will always hold a very special place in my heart.
Spikenard increases our "receptive awareness"helping us to "tune in" to the consciousnesses of our co-creators in this beautiful world. So, if you use Spikenard over your heart and third eye consistently, you may find your dreams filled with messages and your waking hours peppered with conversations with the plants and trees who have been eager to connect with you in a more intimate way! Spikenard will cause you to notice them moreand they will respond to that attention. Trust what you feel and hear.
Physically, Spikenard is highly anti-fungal, and is one of the most sedating of essential oils. She is also highly analgesic, so with her ability to help us drift into a very deep sleep, she is perfect to layer with Spike Lavender, Red Pine, Cornmint and/or Rosemary cineole over an aching back or hip before going to bed.
For those of you not familiar with Spikenard, as an essence made from the roots of the plant, she does have a bit of a "dirty socks", earthy smell. But her healing power and unique way of serving as a gateway to the unseen world overcame my initial reservation about her aromanow I love it!
To experience Spikenard as a stand alone essence, or as part of my My Favorite Things AromaKit, please visit my website,
The Favorite Thing featured for Day 10 is not something I have ever personally experienced - "Schnitzel with Noodles"even though I have been married to two men of German heritage :) However, it seems only right that I again pair an essence that assists in digestion, especially during the over-indulgence of the holiday season. Sweet Basil! Such a beautiful essential oil, and one so many turn to for an upset stomach. She works magic when applied over the stomachthe bloating and/or pain of indigestion eases almost immediately.
Sweet Basil is also excellent for headaches and muscle aches. I love to layer her with Spike Lavender and Red Pine over sore joints or tight neck musclesyou will find relief in minutes with that combination.
What many people don't know are her emotional and spiritual attributesShe helps us connect with collective consciousness, and also facilitates accessing past life memories, whether feelings, images or both, during dreamtime and in meditation or during a massage. When we still our active mind and open to the more subtle knowings, we become more of a "whole being"one accessing our full range of gifts and insights.
If you are not familiar with this beauty, I invite you to give her a try! Her spicy, sweet scent is tantalizing, and also warming both physically and emotionally. Please visit my site, to see her as an individual offering, or part of my new My Favorite Things AromaKit. Promotional free shipping is offered on this new AromaKit if you purchase it by January 30th.