At this school I have witnessed DRUG DEALING without consequences. I have even heard of students having sex while at this school. It is miserable.
Interesting. I don't seem to remember you guys being the best school in the nation, but that's just me.
I am very upset with the poor, poor behavior that has been exhibited by the Shawnee Heights High School Newspaper Team. The outright slandering of the Topeka High School sports team was simply outrageous and unbelievable. It is unfathomable that a high school newspaper team would be allowed to even suggest to write an article such as the one that was written in the most recent issue. "Topeka High has a problem with it (the recruitment issue) because their coaches like to recruit players from other schools." This is definitely something that should be left out of the article. There is also an out of context quote, which is incredibly unprofessional and quite rude. You might want to think before you open your mouth, Shawnee Heights Newspaper Team.
I appreciate being a staff member in this district. I have freedom to teach in my classroom and leadership is very supportive.
This school rules but they need to get rid of school parking passes because people will park in other peoples spots which pisses me off but other than that I would recommend this school. Go T-Birds #best school in the nation.
Very racial prejudice. My son was treated like he was not American. Unless you an athlete, you stand no chance as the school is being infiltrated by Hispanics and African Americans. How many minority teachers do they have?
Horrible, violence, lazy teachers an staff, an violent and careless students.
There is a blond haired student here aswell with short spikish looking hair driving a blackish old car *** - EGH believed to be a black toyota camry. He drives recklessly swerving behind those going the speed limit oassing in no passing zones an swerving to cause hazardous conditions.
Shawnee Heighta wont do a thing about this regardless of how reckless there students deiving was. An even in consideration of how his last stunt alnost caused the deaths of me an my passengers.
This shows how badly the things are going there.
This is a small incident of several I have had with there students.
The only students who enjoy this school are bullies, preppy kids, an druggies.
There have been several occasions of drug deals in the bathroom in the nort commons behind the library.
My son loved going to school here.
Put three kids through here and they were educated
There were many problems with this school. The lights don't work half the time, and I find myself either freezing or burning. The only it got one star was because Ed West.