Sometimes the most unlikely of people are the biggest heroes. Yesterday, in Arkansas, a truck driver hauling ammonium nitrate (a fertilizer and the same material used in the Oklahoma City bombing) noticed his trailer brakes were on fire. Aware of what he was hauling, he exited the highway and went down a rural road far from any homes and population. While fire service personnel were attempting to evacuate the area, he stayed with his truck and attempted to put out the fire. The truck exploded, leaving a 15' crater in the ground and leveling an area approximately 250 meters wide. The explosion shattered windows for miles and was recorded on Richter scale. Due to the driver's quick thinking to get to a rural area, untold numbers of people were saved at the cost of his life. RIP hero.
We get a lot of complaints about speeders in River Chase. We hear your complaints and are dedicated to helping our communities.
As your Constables, we have a unique ability to personally address many of your community issues, like speeders or drugs. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us at our office to help.
Spring is upon us which means more traffic. Please slow down and drive safe in Comal County!
Deputy Nick Bueche and Chief Deputy Brandon Roberts working traffic enforcement on 1101
DID YOU KNOW? Constables are associate members of the Texas Department of Public Safety under section 411.006(a) of the Government Code. Their original jurisdiction is anywhere in the county of election and have jurisdiction statewide in most criminal and civil matters.
Your Precinct 4 Constables works many criminal investigations and interdiction operations involving organized auto theft, drug trafficking and fugitives.
Your Precinct 4 Constable’s Office has received numerous complaints from residents of the River Chase Subdivision in reference to drivers violating various traffic laws. Please slow down and obey the law. We will continue to patrol the subdivision for the safety of all residents. Thank you for your cooperation in advance.
Over the last two days, members of your Precinct 4 Constable's Office received advanced training in Tactical Medical. This intense 2-day course teaches medical treatments for mass shootings, mass casualty or severe traumatic injuries. This training is essential and we are proud to have all our officers prepared. And yes! They even were taught how to do everything blindfolded.
Techniques taught by our very own Chief Deputy Constable who is an NREMT, Tactical Medic and instructor were:
- application of tourniquets - treating sucking chest wounds - head trauma - bleeding wounds
Don’t forget to bring the kids to Fish Fest today. Annual Event sponsored by WORD of Comal County. Registration begins at 10:30am.
We often see comments or field questions like, “Can you go to jail for a Class C Misdemeanor charge?” The simple answer to this is YES. When you receive a ticket for a Class C misdemeanor charge (i.e. traffic charge, assault, theft under $100, etc.) it is a promise to contact the court to answer to the charge by the date indicated on the ticket. Answering to the charge can be a plea of guilty and pay the fine, plea not guilty and have your day in court or a plea of no contest.
When tickets are ignored, the JP’s office will issue a warrant for your arrest. These warrants can be served by any peace officer . Once a warrant is issued, you are subject to arrest at any time, at any location and on any day. We make efforts to contact people who have forgotten about a ticket and assist them in taking care of their warrants, however, we do serve warrants when people have numerous warrants piling up, they have a history of failure to appear or they are actively hiding.
If you have warrants, please contact the JPs office so we can assist you in taking care of these issues. The worst thing you can do is ignore them. We want to work with as many people as we can to resolve their warrants but sometimes we have no choice but to serve the warrants.
PRAY FOR HPD: Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Houston Police Department at this time. May the officers who were shot recover quickly and may their families find peace in this horrific time.
On 01/27/19, your Precinct 4 Constable’s Office was conducting CMV interdiction when a suspicious trailer was located. Upon a closer inspection it was found to have a false VIN plate attached. The trailer was seized and the investigation continues to identify the true VIN number.
Constable’s Office Precinct 4 had the distinct honor of escorting some very special young ladies on their journey home today. Please help us in congratulating the State of Texas UIL STATE SPIRIT 4A CHAMPION Canyon Lake Hawks!!
Words cannot express our sincerest condolences to our brothers and sisters at the Comal County Sheriff’s Office. Our hearts are broken to hear of this terrible tragedy involving one of our own.
May God ease the pain and lift all of those affected by terrible tragedy up tonight and in the coming days.
RIP Sir! We will continue the fight on this side, you go take you place in God’s force.