Beauty Salon

SEV D’ Cosmetics



Opening Hours

  • Monday 09:00 - 20:30
  • Tuesday 09:00 - 20:30
  • Wednesday 09:00 - 20:30
  • Thursday 09:00 - 08:30
  • Friday 09:00 - 08:30
  • Saturday 09:00 - 12:00
  • Sunday -



Microblading is a manual method of tattooing that creates beautiful, subtle, and natural brows that fill in thin brows, brows with bald spots, and/or total brow reconstruction. Microblading requires a touch up every year to maintain the shape and saturation. The initial appointment takes 2.5 to 3 hours and touch up takes 1.5 to 2 hours.


Before we begin the procedure, I sit down and work with you to shape your brows with a pencil and agree on the best color and shape to fit your face. This does not require your entire eyebrow to be shaved and does not damage your natural hair. To keep discomfort to a minimum, anesthetic creams are used before and during the procedure. The entire process takes about 2 hours. Additional touch ups may be needed to achieve your desired results and may be booked either ahead of time, or at the time of your appointment. If you desire fuller brows, it will require 2-3 sessions to build depth to your brows.

To avoid excessive bleeding the day of your appointment, please:

• Avoid blood thinners, pain killers relievers, aspirin, ibuprophen, niacin, and

Vitamin E

• Do not consume alcoholic beverages the night before

• No caffeine the day of procedure

• Avoid exercise, tanning, or waxing before procedure

• Please note that you will be more sensitive around your menstrual cycle

Permanent makeup is NOT recommended and I will not perform any appointments on any clients who are or have any of the following:

Pregnant or nursing


Undergoing chemotherapy (consult your doctor first)

Viral infections and/or diseases


A pacemaker, or major heart problems

Had an organ transplant

Skin irritations or psoriasis near the treated area (rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.)

Generally not feeling well (cold, flu, etc.)

Had Botox in the past two months

Used Accutane in the past year




Q: How long does it last?

A: By 1-2 years, your microbladed eyebrow tattoo should be fairly light. Touch ups are recommended every year to retain shape and saturation. Pigment retention depends on skin type, age, aftercare, sun exposure, use of certain skin products, pigments used, immune system, medications and other factors.

Q: Does it hurt?

A: This varies depending on the customer and their pain tolerance. I use two types of numbing to ensure the appointment is comfortable.

Q: How long does it take to heal?

A: Your brows will take 10 days to heal. I will apply Aquaphor after the service is completed, and highly encourage you to do the same. During that week, I encourage you to let them naturally exfoliate off. This means keeping them out of water, sweat, steam, etc. Once the scabbing phase passes, the brows will appear a lot lighter, and their true color should come out after 4 weeks. A touch up is recommended 6-8 weeks after the initial appointment. Please read through the after care instructions below.

Q: How long is the appointment?

A: The appointment takes two hours and most of the time spent is going over drawing and shapes - to ensure that your healed brow is perfect for you.

Q: Will you draw in the shape first?

A: Yes, I won't start until you agree with the shape style and color.

Q. Where are you located?

A. Laredo TX address will be sent to you after appointment is confirmed .

Q. What forms of payment do you accept?

A. I accept Venmo, Squarecash, and cash.


Results are extremely dependant on how one heals and will vary with each individual client. Successful results are not guaranteed (especially on those with problematic skin) and additional sessions, at a minimum charge, may be required to obtain desired results. Although I use premium products and provide quality services, every client heals differently and many factors can lead to varied results. I do not guarantee perfect proportions or symmetry as some bone structures and muscle movements do not call for it. The final shape is completely your decision, and tattooing will not start until you decide on the final shape. Please read though my entire FAQ section carefully to see if this procedure will be beneficial to you. All services provided are non-refundable.

Healed results will vary with each individual client and using a pencil or powder may still be needed. I have no control over what occurs during the healing process. Absolutely NO guarantee will be made and additional sessions (charged accordingly) may be required to obtain optimal results. Additional charges will apply.

PLEASE NOTE: If you have had your eyebrows previously tattooed and are interested in a cover-up/re-work, you MUST email me a clear photo PRIOR to booking your appointment. I cannot guarantee results for cases such as these and I must approve that your eyebrows are workable. In some cases where the previous work is too dark, dense, discolored, or large, tattoo removal will be highly recommended before I begin the cover-up/re-work. Previously tattooed areas and cover-ups will almost always require additional appointments for best results and will be charged accordingly.

Although I give my best efforts to provide you with quality service, many factors can result in a less than desired outcome as each client will heal differently.


A $50 deposit is required in order to book and confirm your appointment and will be deducted from the total cost of your service. Forty-eight hours notice is required to reschedule or cancel your appointment and the deposit will be refunded. If cancellations are made after 48 hours, the deposit is forfeited.


Please read the FAQ section to determine whether you are a good candidate for these procedures. If upon arrival we determine that you can not go through with the procedure because of a condition listed in the FAQ section, your deposit will be non-refundable.


Please give me at least 48 hours notice before canceling an appointment to avoid forfeiting your deposit.


I recommend that you schedule your touch-up 4-6 weeks after your initial appointment. Microblading is a two-step process, the first appointment helps me see how well your skin can retain the pigment and the second appointment I can add more depth to your brows as well as adding in spots that may need to be re-touched. How well your brows heal are vey dependent on each person and how well you take care of your brows according to the after-care instructions. Touch-ups are almost always needed to achieve desired results.

Additional touch-up appointments will be charged depending on the timeframe from your last appointment.


Microblading post-care is very important to the appearance and longevity of your new eyebrows. Do not let any water, lotion, soap, or makeup touch your eyebrow area during the first 7 days after your procedure.

After 5-7 days, make sure your hands are completely clean and gently apply the post-care ointment with clean hands. This can be done once at night time, but be sure to use the ointment sparingly as your skin needs to heal itself. Please continue to apply the ointment for 7 days.

The following must be avoided during all 14 days post-microblading procedure:

Increased sweating
Practicing sports
Hot sauna, hot bath, or Jacuzzi
Sun tanning or salon tanning
UV/UVA Rays or chemicals as they have been known to cause a shift in color and premature fading
Any laser or chemical treatments or peelings, and/or any creams containing Retin-A or Glycolic acid on the face or neck
Picking, peeling, or scratching of the micro pigmented area in order to avoid scarring of the area or removal of the pigment
Performing tasks related to heavy household cleaning such as garage or basement cleaning where there is a lot of airborne debris
Drinking alcohol in excess, as it may lead to slow healing of wounds
Driving in open air vehicles such as convertibles, boats, bicycles, or motorcycles
Touching of the eyebrow area except for when rinsing and applying the post-care cream with a cotton swab
Please wash your face carefully around the eyebrow without getting water on the treated area. During the shower, keep your face away from the showerhead or take a bath.

Itching and flaking may appear during the first seven days post-microblading procedure. However, experience has shown that by following these after-care instructions, these symptoms may quickly disappear.

If you have any unexpected problems with the healing of the skin, please contact Microblading LA immediately, to discuss further instructions.

Contact a physician if any signs or symptoms develop such as the following: fever, redness at the site, swelling, tenderness of the procedure site, elevated body temperature, red streaks going from the procedure site towards the heart, and/or any green/yellow discharge that is foul in odor.

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