San Leandro Animal Park is committed to providing an interactive and enlightening experience for our visitors, as we continually improve the lives of our animals.Programs were added to the zoo’s conservation portfolio with the intent that the support would be ongoing unless the projects or programs ended or some other significant factor would cause funds to be shifted elsewhere. That strategy continues to date. Support for the very first program selected in 1942 has continued to the present time. Support of field conservation is currently funded by both Friends of the Zoo and by the Alameda County Park Board, but it is in the process of being all shifted back to the Friends of the Zoo operating budget. Support from FTZ is made possible by proceeds from daily business operations. FTZ’s daily business operations primarily support conservation and education.
Fun for the Whole Family
Welcome Our Newest Addition
July 2020 Summer Evening Series Presents
From the Zookeeper
The most dangerous animals in the world. Sometimes distinguishing between furry cuteness and pure destruction is not an easy task. In fact, many of the animals kingdom’s cutest critters also happen to be its most prolific killers. You think that cute little puffer fish is adorable? Will you hold your breath as you reach to pet it? The answer is yes. Forever. So keep that in mind as you read through our list of the worlds most dangerous animals.
I picked up your gift with my bare hand, held it up high, thinking how grand! The worm was so cute and wiggled a lot. I put him in my pocket to show Horatio what I’d caught. What will he say when I show him my find? He said Give it to you! I hope you won’t mind.
It's Spring
50% Off All Rides Thru Easter
I took a walk in the zoo today to try to pass the time away. Saw lots of people walking too. Stepped right in a pile of animal doo.
There was a vulture from Peru who dreamed he was eating his shoe. He awoke one dark night from a terrible fright to discover his dream had come true!