What is Salida Soup?
Salida Soup is a community based potluck where participants, through this microgranting dinner, assist creative projects in the Arkansas River Valley.
For a donation of $5 attendees receive soup and other fixings (attendees are asked to potluck salad, chips, bread, desserts, etc.) and a vote after hearing from three presentations ranging from art, urban agriculture, social justice, social entrepreneurs, education, technology and more. Each presenter has up to 5 minutes to share their idea and answer up to 4 questions from the audience. At the event, attendees eat, talk, share resources, enjoy art and vote on the project they think benefits the area the most. At the end of the event, while ballots are being counted, attendees are also asked to vote on which submissions to present the following month. Before the winner is announced, previous presenters are asked to give updates on their winning projects.
The winning proposal receive all of the money raised to carry out their project.
Join us tonight Salida Soup - Ark Valley's Microgranting Potluck.
Bring a potluck item and $5 to the Salida SteamPlant Event Center to be eligible to vote in this evening's microgranting dinner.
Presenters for the 47th Salida Soup are TINTS - Theater in NonTraditional Spaces, Salida SOUP - Lauren Brown Presents - Aerial Film, and Friends of Salida Skateparks. Come support these projects and programs.
Tonight's food theme is COMFORT FOOD! Bring desserts, appetizers, main courses, salads, etc. that are your favorite comfort foods. We will be serving Vegan Gluten Free Chicken Noodle Soup.
Mark will be making some announcements this evening about upcoming events and a special surprise! Be sure to grab a friend and come down to the SteamPlant for Salida's best potluck.
Preparing to go live for Fridays at Three with Jimmy Sellars and Mark Monroe. We'll be talking about Salida Soup last night, Mountain Family fair, Embracing Aging fair, Spectrum Alliance, Pride, the PfCA, and much more. Joining us today in the studio, Megan Lombardo of The Local Latch (among other things) talking about Salida.
Big shout out to Shelley who is feeling under the weather today so send her all the love you can muster! :)
This month's Salida Soup features presentations from GARNA Greater Arkansas River Nature Association, Alpine Achievers Initiative, and Manifest Action Sports. These great projects deserve your attention and support. Still the best $5 dinner in Salida!
January's Soup is our annual fundraiser for Sellars Project Space. We will present the entire evening, unveiling new projects in the works for 2019, as well as updates to and information on our existing programs.
The same great food, the same great community - join us on January 17th and help SPS Feed The Future!
Salida Soup is a monthly community-based potluck where participants, through this microgranting dinner, assist creative projects in the Arkansas River Valley.
A potluck item and a $5 donation is all it takes to be eligible to vote on the evening’s presentations. As a diner, you will hear 2 to 3 five-minute pitches from community members who need funding for projects that are beneficial to the community. Enjoy food, drink, art and music, then choose the winning proposal to receive the evenings donations.
We hope that you will consider coming and supporting this local development. Chaffee County is in extreme need of housing. Local businesses are having difficulty keeping employees, and frankly - many of the human assets of our community are preparing to take flight! This is important to the future of this county. Once these human assets leave all that will be left is to sell off to the highest bidder. The vision for this project is incredible and needed. Share with anyone you think would be interested in standing up and showing support. We need you there or for you to show your support in writing!
We have one presenter space open for September's Soup - Thursday, September 20! If you (or someone you know) would benefit from pitching your organization or event to a very giving crowd, please visit www.salidasoup.org and click on the Submit to Present button. It is easy - and there's soup!
LOOKING FOR 3 PRESENTERS! Salida Soup 38 is July 19. Interested? SalidaSoup.org!
Feed the Future -
Start your 2018 off right! Get involved in your community! -