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SafeHouse Outreach is located at 89 Ellis St NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30309. They can be contacted via phone at (404) 523-2221, visit their website www.safehouseoutreach.org for more detailed information.

http://safehouseoutreach.org SafeHouse Outreach is an urban outreach committed to affecting real change in the lives of those in the margins of society, by providing a hand up, not just a hand out.

Tags : #NonprofitOrganization, #SocialService, #CharityOrganization

Location :
89 Ellis St NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30309
Added by Jopie, at 01 May 2019

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19 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    25 May 2019

    We are dedicating this post to all of our volunteers who serve the underserved with dignity, love, and compassion. One plants, another waters, and God gives the growth. Thank you for YOUR contribution to the growth of others! #volunteers #volunteerspotlight #sholove #servediginity

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  • Anynomous
    23 May 2019

    Tavia Forbes is the co founder of FORBES + MASTERS and has been volunteering at SafeHouse since 2012. Champions like Tavia make it possible for us to enrich the lives of individuals that come through our door everyday. Thank you for being Amazing!! #youchangedtheworld #shochampion #thisisnotagame

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  • Anynomous
    21 May 2019

    Happiest of Birthdays to our very own Philip Bray!!!!

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  • Anynomous
    21 May 2019

    A new wave of movers and shakers will hit Atlanta soon! Our Career Development Program started its new cycle and we are excited for the success that will come from this group. Cheers to changing your life from homelessness to self sufficiency! #shoatl #sholove #careerdevelopmentprogram #cdp #readyforchange

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  • Anynomous
    21 May 2019

    Serving is a great thing, but ask yourself if your way of serving is helping or hindering the one you want to help #servebetter #bettertogether #sholove #mondaymotivationswithjosh

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  • Anynomous
    20 May 2019

    Change your perspective and you’ll change the future. Don’t let failure stop you! #perspective

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  • Anynomous
    18 May 2019

    Everyone enjoys a friendly face and Libba is just that. We're thankful for her consistency, love and service to those that are hurting #servedignity #sholove #shoatl #volunteer

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  • Anynomous
    18 May 2019

    We are grateful for all the partnerships that are built across Atlanta that contribute to the success of the men and women that have and will participate in our Career Development Program. Thank you to all who attended our quarterly resource luncheon yesterday! #partnerships #resources #cdp

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  • Anynomous
    17 May 2019

    A new home and 2 jobs. All it takes is a village and support to make it through the storm. #sholove #hope #shoatl

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  • Anynomous
    16 May 2019

    On our way to take one of our friends to rehab, we spot one of the leading hotels in Atlanta bringing us leftovers from an event. We asked if we could take the food to the rehab center and they were happy to see the food be used and not go to waste. When we got there, the people at the center were overjoyed saying that they didn't know what they were going to eat that night. #receivingblessingsgivingblessings #partnerships #serveatl

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  • Anynomous
    15 May 2019

    Recovery must come first so that everything you love in life does not have to come last #shoatl #sholove #takingttepstoabetteryou

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  • Anynomous
    14 May 2019

    Partner Hightlight: Snappy Services and owner, Adam Bunyard, are amazing! We are continually grateful for their heart of service from keeping our building running smoothly to bringing delicious bbq to serve lunch to our staff and guests #partnerships #servelove #leadershipinaction #snappyservices

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  • Anynomous
    13 May 2019

    SafeHouse in action - building relationships to move from asking for a hand-out to embracing a hand-up #mondaymotivationwithjosh #shoimpact #atlantaguardian #fredssign #cdp #careerdevelopmentprogram

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  • Anynomous
    13 May 2019

    Don't let yesterday's troubles discourage your today - keep forward movement.

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  • Anynomous
    11 May 2019

    Thank you Hotel Indigo for serving with us and showing our guests a lot of love. #serveatl #sholove #shoatl

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  • Anynomous
    11 May 2019

    Thank you GSU Police H.O.P.E Team for honoring Dennis Russell, Yvonne Baxter, and Joe McCuthen! Along with other awardees, they were celebrated for advocating for those experiencing homelessness and providing hope when life seems hopeless. #HOPE #GSUPolice #advocacy #shoatl #shoimpact

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  • Anynomous
    10 May 2019

    We all need someone to talk to, someone who listens, someone who understands. #beafriend #bekind #compassion #shoatl #sholove

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  • Anynomous
    09 May 2019

    Working at Chick-Fil-A but sleeping in a car, our friend needed housing. Being referred to us to find help, we were able to get her placed into @PadSplit. Her supervisor, when learning of the opportunity, agreed to advanced her pay to give her enough to cover any cost she had. Thank you, Chick-fil-A for creating a culture of caring and understanding. #handup #shoatl #sholove #chickfila #padsplit #givehope

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  • Anynomous
    08 May 2019

    We met a new friend through Atlanta Guardian. Visiting his sister in the hospital, he realized he wanted to make a change in his life to take better care of his family. He came to us and said, "I am tired of living like this, I need to go to rehab." We happily support him in focusing on his future. #Sholove #Shoatl #atlantaguardian #takingcontrol

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