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SSI Engineering is located at Long Lake, Minnesota 55356

SubSurface Imaging provides the only system known to man today able to directly locate and provide an actual image of an IED, landmine, or buried object.

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Location :
Long Lake, Minnesota 55356

Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020


20 years ago, three retired engineers with decades of experience working on radar projects (including the Stealth Bomber) pooled their knowledge and expertise to develop the next generation of RADAR technology.

Today, after twenty years of research and thanks to the technical evolution of better software, faster electronics, and more powerful computers, SSI will be able to field a true 3D Underground Imaging System.

According to UNICEF, there are 120 million landmines and IEDs set to go off in the world today. These devices do not discriminate, and they are designed to maim or kill. A person is maimed or killed by one of these devices every seven minutes, every day. It will take two hundred years to detect and destroy these devices with our current detection system.

SSI’s new technology will dramatically change the field of mine, IED, and unexploded ordinance detection and have a phenomenally positive effect on improving these statistics. SSI Engineering’s system will effectively cut that timeline by half. Our system is able to locate objects from a distance of up to 30 yards and utilize satellite marker technology to accurately record the object’s position. We are confident an exact picture of the detected object can be pulled up on a computer screen in real time.

Old Tech mine detection has been in use for years, virtually unchanged for decades, and is fraught with problems of inaccuracy, cumbersome to use, and often dangerous in implementation. SSI’s technology’s increased safety, ease of use and greatly enhanced accuracy will make our system the hands-down choice for the industry.

Sub Surface Imaging provides the only system known to man today able to directly locate and provide an actual image of an IED, landmine, or unexploded ordinance with trace signals. This is the epitome of detection. We are developing a concept system for detecting and remotely destroying mines and other ordinance. Our goal is to process the data to accurately locate and annotate all devices through the use of Global Positioning Satellites, assuring pinpoint accuracy for future use in device destruction and also for use as evidence in the event of war crime trials.

SSI will be launching an Indiegogo campaign around October 1 to help raise funds to fund future developments which will help bring our soldiers home safe.

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