S.E.F INTERNATIONAL_ is located at Delaware, United States. Visit their website www.sef-international.com or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
Success Empowerment fellowship (SEF) is strictly a non-denominational group that was born out of a vision to empower a lot of people for them to be able to utilize their God-given potential.This has been made possible through series of annual conferences and on a few occasions bi-annually.We also plan to embark on community outreach programs that will give birth to economic empowerment fellowships.Not only do we want to counsel members but we will also like to, set up educational funds as well for them.We also desire to train people to become great leaders and mentors wherever they find themselves.Likewise, we have dreams of training members to be able to face the job market and create opportunities for themselves.Connect with SEF today!
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Added by
Jopie, at 01 January 2020